15 Questions You Must Ask Yourself!

“Questions ignite imaginiations, avert catastrophes, and reveal unexpected paths to brigher destinations.” – Leigh Buchanan, Inc Magazine
I read an article in Inc. Magazine about a week ago that I loved. 
So of course, I had to share it with you!
Let me set up a the framework … 
A huge part of maintaining a strong personal brand is having the ability to ask good questions.  
Just re-read the quote above:  Good questions can save us A LOT of time and trouble.   Good questions can solve problems, spark new ideas, clarify something, help us avoid a major mis-understanding, and show confidence. 
And most people shy away from questions b/c they don’t want to look stupid, or disrupt a meeting, or they don’t believe that what they have to say is good enough.  
This mentality must stop. 
It can be so destructive. 
The right Q’s don’t allow you to remain passive … the right Q’s require reflection and then ACTION!
So back to the Inc. article … it was titled “35 Great Questions”.
I was instantly obsessed. 
It’s a list of provoative questions for business owners, leaders, entrepreneurs, management thinkers and anyone else who prefers to keep thier mind in check. 
You can find a link to this article by clicking here and also see the other 65 Q’s they compiled … but for now … here are my FAVORITES that directly relate to the power of your personal brand:
  1. Are you relevant? Will you be relevant in five years from now? Ten?
  2. What is it like to work for you?  To work with you?
  3. What trophy do you want on your mantle? If any.
  4. What counts that you are counting?
  5. What are the implications of this decision 10  minutes, 10 months, and 10 years from now?
  6. What holds you back from making the change to become a better leader?
  7. Do you make eye contact 100% of the time?
  8. Are you changing as fast as the world around you?
  9. If no one would ever find out your accomplishments, how would you lead differently?
  10. Did you make progress today?
  11. How likely is it that a customer would would reccomend you?
  12. What are you trying to prove to yourself, and how might it be hijacking your life?
  13. What do you stand for?
  14. What are you against?
  15. Do you have the right people on the bus?
What question would you add to the list? 
Big Love,
To work with me click here!
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