3 Ways to Protect Your Personal Brand!


“When your actions are motivated by love, instead of ego or control, your energy multiplies and accumulates which will allow you to create anything you want.”  – Deepak Chopra

I’m always saying that there is no greater job security on this planet than being mindful of your personal brand.

Your brand = Your reputation!

And I’m always surprised how so many of you don’t take that asset seriously.

I mean, you protect the money in your bank don’t you? You work hard to grow it and save it right?

So then why aren’t you working just as hard to protect the other greatest asset you own … YOU!

Now, maybe you are reading this and YOU ARE!

(Insert a Virtual High Five!)

Yet, maybe you are reading this and you just don’t know where to start … or need a little guidance?

Well then you are in the right place!

This week I’m sharing 3 easy concepts to focus on daily to make sure you build a brand that gets you noticed and that people adore.

Let’s go!


Now, I’d love to hear from you!

Which one will you work on first??

HOLLA back in the comments below so we can get the conversation started!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I work as an keynote speaker helping hospitality professionals go from boring to brave using The Brandprov System I created … So check out my speaking page right HERE on my website to find out how to work with me.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.



PS – If you dig this video or know someone who would, pass it on!

PS x 2 – HERE is the link to the 7 Laws!

Click HERE to contact me.
Follow the conversation on Instagram @judiholler or on my Facebook fan page


2 responses to “3 Ways to Protect Your Personal Brand!”

  1. Nice Brandprov! Acceptance is the best one for me! I am
    better off figuring out how I can best adjust to the people and situation
    around me rather than trying to those things.

    Part of the brandprov reminded me of a conversation I had
    with my daughter. She is a freshman and
    had to meet with her guidance counselor recently to discuss her future. She
    told me that she wants to be a lawyer and I asked her why she chose that. She
    said that lawyers make a lot of money and she wants to make money. I told her
    to save us the expense of law school and just marry someone rich. Just kidding.
    But what I DID tell her was that she will not be a very good lawyer at all and
    will be miserable without all of the money. I explained that if you go into
    that profession -which will be a big part of your life- and have a money
    attitude, then you will not succeed. You must do what you love first and then
    the money will follow. (That is also #3 of Walt Disney’s 8 Secrets to success
    “Pursue your passion, and the money will follow”).

    Love that you included Deepak!



    And I suppose marrying a lawyer who is rich because he
    followed his passion would be nice too 🙂

    1. Jill – you rock my world! I literally LOL’d like 5 times reading this. And you are SO right on the money about your daughter chasing the cash rather than the passion. I also love Deepak’s Law #6, The Law of Detachment, which is totally aligned with this too. I mean we all want success and to have money in the bank and good health … yet we have to detach from the “what if’s”/ “end result” so we can be in right now’s and trust in the process. How lucky your daughter has such a cool Mom to offer up such Kick A advice!!! Thanks for the comment!!!

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