4 Ways to Make a Killer First Impression!


“Get it through your head.  First impressions last.  You start behind the eight ball … you’ll never get in front.” – Harvey Specter

Being able to nail your first impression is a HUGE part of building and maintaining a rock solid and memorable personal brand.

I know you know this … “You only get one chance to make a first impression.”

However, do you take it seriously?!

Early judgements others make are powerful things and SUPER hard to change.  

Plus, first impressions are critical to success and creating opportunity in life.   

That’s what this weeks episode of “The Brandprov Show” is all about!


So now, I’d love to hear your perspective!

How do YOU find ways to make a killer first impression?!

I cannot wait to hear from you and have you HOLLA BACK in the comments below.

As always, thanks a million for watching, reading and sharing … 



4 responses to “4 Ways to Make a Killer First Impression!”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Great advice….so important to make a great impression…BRING IT! Or don’t bother leaving the house. xo

    1. Hey Doug and thanks for the comment! Yes, we must BRING IT … anythings else is a waste of time.

  2. Kim Kossl Avatar
    Kim Kossl

    Great reminders Judy and something we ALL need to keep in mind continuously. Love your blog!

    1. Hi Kim! Great to hear from you and I’m SO glad you love the blog!! You keep me going.

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