4 Ways To Be More Relatable!

“Imperfections are real. And people respond to real.” – Jason Fried, Author of ReWork
The world is full of peeps who wear the uniform, walk the walk, talk the talk and try to be perfect.
In truth, they just come off as stiff and boring.
No one relates to people like that.
Actually one of my favorite things about Improv is that it’s anything but stiff and boring.
You have to get over the fear looking stupid real quick.
I find it so refreshing to be around people who were not afraid to fail.
People who take risks and mess up and don’t care the least about it.
I can’t tell you how many moments I’ve had on stage where everything went wrong.
And I’ve had these moments in life too.
If you don’t allow yourself to mess up then how will you ever learn?
Improv has really taught me to lighten up.
That the mistakes I make are just as important as the wins.
It’s about laying down your armor to reveal what’s really going on inside you.
The world connects with this.
We want stories.  We want truth.  We want you!
And honestly, if you want to be noticed, get the job,  win the business and stand out … then you need a likeabiltiy factor.
We NEED to be able to relate to you.
In this weeks episode of The #Brandprov Show I reveal 4 easy things you can start doing now to be more relatable:
Now, I’d love to hear from you!
Have you had an imperfect moment that ended up being an amazing way to connect?
Make sure you so “holla back” in the comments below!
Also, I’d love to work with you … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov Framework.  
So check out my speaking page right here on my website to read customer testimonials and find out sessions I’m currently running.
AND if you dig this video, make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter (BELOW THIS POST) as well so you get these videos and more delivered right to your inbox.
As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.
You rock my world!
X’s and O’s,


5 responses to “4 Ways To Be More Relatable!”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Heck yes! Live for the moment, in the moment. Live for truth and be likable. I have worked my entire career by your points Judi. Thanks for reminding me how important these points are. I started my entire second career just a couple years ago based upon reinventing the REAL me! xo

    1. Isn’t it refreshing to be able to reinvent yourself. To have the GUTS to be able to do that?! That in itself is impressive and brave. Keep kicking A!

      1. Doug Sandler Avatar
        Doug Sandler

        A$$ kicking commenced….thx xoxoxo

  2. Jon Hixon Avatar
    Jon Hixon

    Great advice Judy! Authenticity is King (or Queen!)

    1. I love it! Thanks for the comment Jon! Happy Weekend!

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