4 ways to NOT be like everyone else and work YOUR assets off!

“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again … and bring their friends.” Walt Disney

I was at a baseball game over the summer with friends.  
In the middle of the game a beer vendor approached our area ready to offer up his cold brews to all of us willing and thirsty patrons.   
Right away I noticed he wasn’t any ordinary beer vendor.   This guy was … Different. 
He is the “the Singing Bud Man”. 
He slings beers and sings and makes people laugh and smile.  It’s amazing.  
And he has money falling out of his pocket because of it.  He’s the hit of the stands.  People even seek him out and ONLY buy thier beers from him.  
This guy knows how to work it … he takes something that makes him unique and makes it work for him. 
He isn’t just a beer vendor.
He is an entrepenuer.    
It made me think … We SO don’t have to “own” the company to have it be our company too!   Everyone can be an entrepreneur.
Wherever you work and whatever you do for a living … It’s your company too.  (PS – there is a whole book on this concept … I haven’t read it yet but more on that here.)
And guess what, companies aren’t awesome, the people IN them are. 
Bottom line. 
When I was a bartender, I worked that bar like it was my own little small business. And made a HELLA lot of money doing it!
So what can you do to ROCK whatever you do and take it to the next level?
How can you start thinking like the singing Bud Man?  
Here some ways to get you started:
  1. Make ’em go WOW – Seriously … the easiest thing you can do is simply EXCEED EXPECTATIONS! Because no one does it anymore.  People just “do”.  They get by. It’s a lazy-fest out there.  Blah. Gross. Blah.   So, give them something they don’t expect. Awesome service, something fun, something unique.   WOW THEM!
  2. Check yo’ attitude –  Your attitude will NO DOUBT determine your altitude.  So check it … Before you wreck it!   If you think all you do is X or you’ll never be more than X … well, guess what … then that’s where you’ll end up.  In X-ville.  So be careful what you wish for. Employers should stop hiring for skill alone and give greater focus to attitude.
  3. Work your ASSETS off –  What assets do you have that make you unique?  You have them … Trust me!  So take some time to figure out what they are and USE THEM!  Because guess what?   Assets = money. Cash money.  Just Google the definition of Asset.   And YOU are an asset … who you are, your brand and what you stand for is indeed an assest.  So I ask you … what are you doing to grow it, protect it, save it?
  4. START! – Once you have an idea or an asset you want to use to help you rock, then start. Before your ready.  So many times we have all these great ideas and then get all in our head, which leads to us talking ourselves out of it.  So stop it  … get out of your own way.   You can take anything you are doing to the next level.   You just have to want to!
What things do you do to really make ’em go WOW?!
Be well. Be Inspired!
Follow the conversation on Twitter @judiholler and on Facebook by clicking here.   


4 responses to “4 ways to NOT be like everyone else and work YOUR assets off!”

  1. Excellent message!

    1. Thanks MC!!!

  2. Char Yaemniyom Shada Avatar
    Char Yaemniyom Shada

    Good stuff, Judi! This is an interesting one – if an employee ROCKS at their job it makes their company look good and puts more money in their pockets. It’s too bad that there are people out there that totally clueless to this rewarding factor and just continue to stink at their jobs. Thank you again for another reminder to rock my job.

    1. Hey Hey! Thanks for the post and yep, totally agree … too many people out there don’t get it at all … and just waste away into nothing-ville. Think about all the times you’ve had the bad server, the barista with an attitude or the sales person that just doesn’t get it. It’s painful to watch this happen. If they only knew that by just being AWESOME they could change their lives.

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