5 Benefits of Collaboration!

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro
The other day I was sitting in a meeting with two people who could not be any more different than me.
Different leadership styles. Different personalities.  Different likes, hobbies, interests.
You name it … we were different.
I was really hesitant about working in this group of peeps. 
I initially thought … oh no … this is going to be brutal. Nobody will listen to me. I’ll get shut down at every suggestion.  There will be tension.  This will be annoying. 
Negative thought after negative thought. 
Yes, I totally suffer from momentary lapses of bad behavior too from time to time.
This girl is NOT perfect.
But guess what …
This meeting ended up being one of the BEST collaborations I’ve ever been a part of!
We vibed. We brainstormed. We had good energy. We balanced each other.  We dominated.
It was in that moment that I knew without a doubt that COLLABORATION is critical if we want any sort of personal and/or professional growth. 
Are you someone who cringes when you have to “play well with others”?
Are you someone who would rather stay on your island working solo?
Are you someone who thinks that you don’t need any help because you already have it all figured out?
Well, I’m here to wake you up and tell you that this sort of thinking will HURT you!
You DO NOT know it all.  And you NEED to be able to unpack things with other people.  
You need change.  You need collaboration. You need to be cool with the un-comfy … and working with others can sometimes be un-comfy.
So let’s dig in … here are some rockin’ benifits of COLLABORATION:
  1. Patience Daniel Son – Dictators are more worried about moving fast and have little patience.  True collaboration is slow, steady, patient. Do you want to be seen as a dictator or as someone who collaborates?
  2. The Fearless Leader –  Insecure people are afraid. Therefore, you become afraid to collaborate with others because you feel that someone will steal your limelight, or your job, or your “glory”.  True leadership requires courage, self love, and most importnatly …. confidence.  The more you collaborate the better you get at this.
  3. Check Yo’ Ego at the Door – You can’t have a big ego if you want to get ahead in life.  You can smell a big ego a mile away.  True collaboration requires you to lay down your armor and be part of the team.  It requires being open to new people, new ideas, and new things.
  4. Strength in Numbers – You are not the smartest person in the room. Sorry.  But it’s likely your not.  And even if you are, brainy one, then imagine how extra smart you become if you add other smart people to the mix?!  You must understand that you don’t know everything and there is a magical strength in numbers.
  5. Less Work – And who doesn’t want some of this?! Collaboration is totally a way to be super time saavy and increase your productivity.  If you collaborate well, it means less work for everyone without compromising on results.
How do you find ways to collaborate?
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