5 Lies About The Word Hustle


The word Hustle can be traced back to 1680 from the Dutch word ‘Husseln’, meaning ‘to shake, to toss’. The word can then be pursued backwards into German dialects; all of which translate to phrases signifying a shaking movement.*

It makes sense. 

You hustle to shake up your circumstances, toss your environment around in order to produce massive change through massive action. This is about leaping out of your comfort zone and grabbing your world by its throat with vigour.

Therefore, when we talk about Hustle …  its all about turbulence, disruption and a shaking up of your circumstances to create new, better situations.   

In order to be effective at anything, clarity is essential.

So, let’s break this one word down so you can rock it. 

There is a mad mis-understanding out there around this one word. 

I truly believe Hustle is the “gateway drug to all things amazing” and that it can change your life when you actually understand what it means.

If you want to get stuff done … if you want to make changes in your life … if you want to stop hiding and start living … HUSTLE is your super power!

And really understanding how to Hustle, personally and professionally, will set you apart from everyone else out there that do exactly what you do.

Here are 5 Lies about the word Hustle that need to get kicked to the curb:

  • That Hustle means you work 24-hours a day: Real hustle is getting crystal clear on what it is that you want (i.e. FOCUS) and then going #ALLIN on that.  It’s about squeezing every last drop out of the orange.   Hustle does not mean you are a work-a-holic and that all you do is grind.  It’s about setting focused goals and then working harder than anyone else to go make it happen.
  • That people who are succeeding are simply “lucky”:  So many times we see people out there and we think … oh man, they are so lucky.  They seem to have it all … nice clothes, trips, stuff, a kick ass relationship, etc etc.  I don’t believe “lucky” people are lucky.  I believe lucky people are really hustling. And I also believe you can 100% hustle yourself lucky. 
  • That it means you “Hustle” people:  Let’s be clear … hustling people is naughty … and having hustle is good.  There is a zero tolerance policy for lying, negativity, deception and other shady behaviors. 
  • That it’s fast and furious:   The majority of people who are out there really hustling are some of the most focused and patient people I’ve ever met.  There is no such thing as an overnight success.  When you see someone who’s “made it” there are years and years and years of blood, sweat, and tears behind that success.  So, patience Daniel Son … keep hustling … stay focused … your time will come.  As long as you put in the work, on whatever it is you want … your time will come. (If you don’t know who “Daniel Son” is a) I feel old and b) click HERE.)
  • That You Can’t Control It:   Hustle is your ONLY controllable pillar to success.  Which means you have ultimate control over how you want to live, think, be, and feel. 

So, you badass hustler you … hustle on!

The time is now. 

Made with Love. 

*Credit Medium for the research.