5 Scary Facts about being a Workaholic

“You only YOLO once.” – Workaholics
I was sitting across the table from a woman who was telling me how much she worked. 
And she was even kinda proud of it.

Late nights.

Early mornings.

Through lunch.

She hadn’t had a vacation in years.

She went on and on. And the entire time I just sat there, staring at her, feeling so sorry for her.

I mean … no vacations?! Is she crazy?

This really isn’t something to be proud of. 

It’s just stupid.

NO ONE is going to hand you an award for how much you worked in life. 

LIFE is the award!

So it’s your J-O-B to LIVE it.

You are not a “hero” because you stay at the office until 7pm.

The REAL hero is already at home because she figured out a faster way to get things done.

If you are a Workaholic, it’s important you figure this out, or you’ll end up burnt out, sick and stressed.

Need a few more reasons to change your bad habits?

Here’s why being a Workaholic doesn’t work:

  1. It’s un-necessary.  Stupid really.  Working more doesn’t mean you get more done or care more.  It just means you work more.
  2. It creates more problems.  Why? Because it’s not sustainable to be a work horse and the crash will come … and when it does it will hit much harder than you think and make an even bigger mess.
  3. You will have bad judgement.  Because you are burning the candle, you start having a hard time deciding what’s worth it and what’s not.  You end up tired and who makes good decisions when they are tired?  Time without attention is worthless, so value attention over time.
  4. You spread bad morale.  Workaholics make people who don’t stay late feel bad for working resonable hours.  That leads to guilt and poor morale.  In additon to people just staying late b/ they feel obligated but they aren’t productive or working.
  5. You Waste Time.  Bottom line – doing less is the path of the productive!   Focus on the important few and forget the rest.  Lack of TIME is actually a lack of PRIORITIES.  (Check out  my blog post on my Big Three, will help you stop wasting time!)
    Bottom line – Life is short.  And time waits for no one.

The key to having more time is doing less.

Simplicity requires ruthlessness.

And for the love of sweet baby Jesus … USE THOSE VACATION DAYS!

What things do you do to make sure you don’t fall into the “Workaholic” trap?

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 HOLLA! Back,
Credits – Rework and The 4-Hour Work Week 


2 responses to “5 Scary Facts about being a Workaholic”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    I heart a good vacay. Let’s all work smarter. Not harder. Great post JHolla!

    1. Me too Doug! Vacay is my sanity.

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