5 Things I Learned After A Mental Breakdown!

“And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I re-build my life.” – J.K. Rowling 
When was your last breakdown?
A lying on the floor … snot dripping out of your nose … bawling like a baby … breakdown.
When you literally think it can’t get any worse and you have no idea how God or The Universe or whoever you worship could be so against you.
I’ve had a few in my life … not ashamed to say it.
And one of my worst was when I realized I had left everything I really loved for what I thought was love.
I will never forget it.
And guess what … as crappy as that time in my life was … the outcome was beauty beyond words.
Because after the breakdown comes the BREAK THROUGH!!!
Things fall apart so other things can fall together.
If I really look at and study each moment in my life that has caused me the greatest pain, confusion, and dispair … the light on the other side has far outweighed the pain in the beginning.
Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom in order to bask in the sunshine once we climb to the top.
So we can learn.
So we can grow.
So we can find gratitude.   
The bad stuff in life is our teacher.  And like it not, bad stuff is gonna happen.  
The question is … how will you handle it?
Here are some things I learned from my breakdown:
  1. Hindsight is 20/20.  The other side of a breakdown is liberating.  Alive. Freeing. Amazing.  Incredible. Powerful. Strong.  Crazy.  Beautiful.  Rewarding.  So hang in there.  You are learning a powerful lesson … dig into the pain and be open to the healing. My advice: Write a journal every day of your breakdown.  You will find strength in it and go back and read what you wrote seeing yourself in a whole new light.
  2. You must pay attention to the Universe.  You are in this moment b/c the Universe is trying to teach you something.  And my guess, the Universe has likely been trying to tell you something for a while.  So listen up.
  3. Don’t be afraid.  Yes it may be scary but at the same time it’s exhilerating to think that there is a whole new world of possiblity on the other side.  Be brave and open to the lessons your about to learn.  
  4. Let It Go.  That’s what a breakdown is all about … learning to let go so you can try something different. Trust me, by clinging to what makes you feel “safe” does not propel your life forward.  And it’s the most un-safe thing you can do if you really want to live an incredible life.   Let it go, shake it up, be different.
  5. Friends RULE.  Seriously … my friends and family were my sanity during my breakdown.  It made me even more grateful for all the people that love me because they listed on the regular, keep my head in a good space, AND got me out of the house!
What have you learned from a breakdown in your life?
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