5 Ways to Finally Take Action and Make Things Happen!

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” – Leonardo Da Vinci
How many times have you had an idea, read an awesome book, wanted to make a change, or heard a great speaker that inspired you to do something?
But then there were crickets ….
Nothing happened.
See …
Putting a plan together to change habits takes a major switch in gears!
There are a million times I’ve wanted to start something and didn’t.
Hmmm … where shall I start?!
Run a half marathon. Lift weights. Quit smoking.  Eat less carbs. Go back to church.  Pay off my credit cards.  Lose 10lbs.  Cut down sugar.  Get up earlier.  Meditate more.  Do Yoga.  Gossip less.  Pray more.
I got busy. I was tired.  I traveled too much.  I had no time.
Excuse after BS excuse.
But guess what.
I found a way … and I’ve either done or am close to doing every of those things above.
I took action and I made it happen!!!
I put the excuses in a choke hold and made them tap out.
Once I got focused … the lame excuses I had didn’t have a chance.
Here’s how I did it:
  1. Phone a Friend – This holds you accountable. If you just say in your head “I’m going to do this” … chances are you will crash and burn.  Put your tribe to work and let your peeps know!
  2. Make The Time – My rule of thumb … if it’s not written down it’s not real. Life goals, your business plan, and regular ol’ life plans. You have GOT to write it down if you want it to happen. Make the time.  Remember NO more BS excuses!!
  3. Start off Small –  You can see the end result. The pot o’ gold.  The silver lining.  It’s so close you can smell it … but yet, so far.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed thinking about all the work that will go into what you’re trying to accomplish. So starting small gets you started.  I always say … in order to start anything … you have to start something!  Start before you are ready.  And start small.
  4. Commit – I mean this right here is the #1 reason peeps fail.  They aren’t really in the game. If you are really committed you’ll tell friend, tell 100 people, post something on facebook, write about it in a blog … whatever it may be.  It’s time to really committ … then and only then will your life change!
  5. Set a Reminder – Put those running shoes next to your bed. Set alerts on your computer.  Put notes on your mirror. Whatever works best for what your goal is … find fun and unique ways to remind yourself to keep going!!!
  6. Fight the Resistence … every damn day!  Anyone that has been reading this blog knows War of Art by Steven Pressfield is my manifesto. Read it.  Know it.  And most importantly … use it as power to fight the resistence!  Once you know what the resistence is and most importantly, how to fight it … you can move mountians.
What do you do to take ACTION on important things in your life?
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I’d love to work with you!  Click here to contact me.
HOLLA! Back,


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