5 Ways to Make Sure You Don’t Choke in a High Pressure Moment!


“If you don’t think you have what it takes … then there is a good chance you will fall on your face.” – Sian Beilock, Ph.D.
Braving a party alone.
Stepping into your first CrossFit class.
Interviewing for your dream job. 
Speaking in front of an audience.
All major life moments. 
All major opportunites to succeed or choke in the presense of pressure.
No matter what it is … the bottom line:   Being successful is all about attitude!
If you can focus on WHY you will succeed, you will immediatley get in the right frame of mind to tackle whatever comes your way.
Do you remember Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live?  (Click the video below if you have NO clue what I’m talking about … )
VIDEO: SNL Stuart Smalley Interviews Michael Jordan
So funny … so ridicilous … HOWEVER … 
Affirmations and self talk are REAL.
And having a positive dialouge with yourself seperates the good from the great … the people from the legends … and the forgettable from the unforgettable.  
If you fill your head with negativity you become negativity. 
Never forget … ATTITUDE is ALTITUDE!
Soooo … 
Do you self-talk your way out of things?
Do you self-sabatoge to the point of destruction?
If you said yes … it’s time to STOP!
Bottom line … 
Your mind is the most powerful asset you have in the brand of who you are. 
YOU and only YOU control your thoughts, your destiny and your freedom. 
So my powerful one … are you choosing wisely?
Here are the top five things I do to make sure I don’t choke when doing something that has high stakes:

  1. Be specific –  Just saying “I’m awesome” doesn’t cut it.  It’s too generic.  I challenge you to really zero in on one reason you’ll knock it out of the park … this will help crowd out the negative thoughts lurking around in your head.
  2. 1797612_757235500988413_3203850367984885097_nPrepare – Nervous people who have not prepared ususally talk too long and end up not making sense.  Rehearse, plan, memorize, study … whatever it is you need to do for what you’re doing … prepare.
  3. Mantras –  It helps to have a specific mantra you speak to yourself before anything you’re doing that is high stakes.  This is the actual paper I bring with me before any  live show, keynote or presentation.  Cheesy … and very “Stuart Smalley” … but it works!    ———————————————->>>
  4. Write it down – Write down your concerns as they pop up.  This will help you stay in control and clear your working memory, kinda like your brain’s post-it note.  Ultimately, this will free your mind so you can focus on the task at hand.
  5. Meditate – Breathe in … Stress out. You can even mix in a Mantra with breathing … and you’ll creatie magic. Meditation has been one of the best gifts I’ve given myself in this last year.  Studying and practicing different breathing techniques has been a game changer for staying focused, positive and in control of any situation.
What do you do to make sure you “OWN” the moment?
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I’d love to work with you!  Click here to contact me.
HOLLA! Back,


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