5 Ways to get Noticed in this Noisy World?

“When you brand yourself properly … the competition becomes irrelevant.” 
In this day and age … it’s all about standing out … NOT fitting in.
It’s about INVENTING … not duplicating.
It’s about focusing on what makes you DIFFERENT … not necessarily your strengths.
And it’s just as much about who you know as WHO KNOWS YOU!!!
So the question becomes … how can you use the asset of who you are to stand out in this really noisy world we live in?
I love this idea …5
Seth Godin writes in The Icarus Deception that the ASSETS that really matter now are:
  • Leadership
  • Trust
  • Remarkability
  • Stories that Spread
  • Connection
Leadership:  We must lead in order to be seen.  Leadership is vulnerable, not controlling. Leadership is courage, not fear.  Leadership is collaboration, not management.  Leadership is a platform, not about hiding.
Trust: In this crazy crowded world we live in with messages flying at us all the time … we only hear the people we chose to hear.    And we choose to listen to those we trust.
Remarkabliltiy: Remarkable is fresh, risky, original, true, magnetic, energy.  We feel the immediate urge to share and pass on what we feel is remarkable.
Stories that Spread:  We crave a story that resonates. We crave a story that inspires.  We crave a story that surprises.  By using your own life, and the stories that make up who you are, you can find incredible power to connect.
Connection: We seek out those who care.  We resonate with people who give.  We want brave decisions and admire dignity.
Bottom line … when you stand out you are branding yourself.
Connection. Stories.  Leadership.  Trust.   Remarkability.
These are all ways to stand out.
And guess what … when you STAND OUT … things happen!
So … What are you doing to make things happen in your life or in business?
Be well. Be Inspired!
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