7 Things Lucky People Do!

“I am a great believer in luck … I find that the harder I work … the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson

I got into a conversation recently about luck.

This person kept taking about how “unlucky” they were in life.

How there was constantly one road block after another.

This person felt they would never catch a break.

Life was always just stacked up against her.

After letting her vent for a while …  I then said … “Well then, your wish is the command.”

She then said, “What does that mean?”   Screen Shot 2014-09-28 at 9.18.47 AM

I said … “Think of it like a genie in a bottle.   You get what you put out there … so what you wish and think and and dream and desire … will happen. Bottom line.”

It’s the law of attraction.

And it’s the “law of luck” in my opinion.

I bet you can relate to a few of these phrases …

“How come I’m so unlucky?”
“Some people have all the luck!”
“Why doesn’t anything good ever happen to me?”
“When will it be my turn?”
“I can’t catch a break!”

If these kind of thoughts are constantly running through your brain … well then, guess what happens … THEY HAPPEN!

You will stay unlucky
You won’t catch a break
You’ll never get your turn
You’ll never have anything good happen

And the “lucky” ones …  well, they keep on staying lucky.

Wanna know how?

Here are 7 ways the Lucky “get lucky”:

  1. Lucky peeps are open and aware – In the real world, you’ve got opportunities and possibilities all over the place.  If your mind is closed, you’re not going to spot them.  Being relaxed and open allows you to see what’s really around and maximize the potential of what’s right under your nose.
  2. Lucky peeps use their intuition and gut instincts – I call it “going with your bones.”   In other words, lucky people simply know when a decision is right.  They trust themselves to decide.  And if they get it wrong, they see it as a lesson learned and then adjust their approach.  On the flip, unlucky people view many of their bad decisions as even more proof of how they are always destined to fail.
  3. Lucky peeps see failure as a gift – Everything is a lesson.   Never forget to acknowledge the lesson.  If you don’t get the job you wanted or if a relationship doesn’t work, it only means something better is out there waiting.  The lucky learn from thier failures and the unlucky dwell on them.
  4. Lucky peeps practice gratitude daily – When you appreciate what you have, what you have appreciates in value.  If you are always feeling and giving gratitude, the Universe wants to give you more and more!  Pay super close attention to the present, many people aren’t so lucky.
  5. Lucky peeps are consistent – The harder you work, the luckier you become.  So stop waiting around for things to work out on their own.  They won’t.  If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.
  6. Lucky peeps help others – It’s impossible to help someone else and not get a little help for yo’self in the process.  “What goes around comes around” is true in all walks of life, and it comes around when you least expect it.  In life, you get out what you put in.
  7. Lucky peeps believe they CAN – Positive beliefs have the power to become self-fulfilling prophecies.  What you think about … you bring about!!! Bottom line.  There is nothing more powerful than the mind.

How do you find luck in your life?

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HOLLA! Back,


4 responses to “7 Things Lucky People Do!”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Judi, I’ve always looked at it this way — You can let life happen or you can MAKE life happen. The best way to get lucky is to MAKE life happen. Great post, great inspiration as always. Keep moving forward…I love the progress you are making. xo

    1. It’s all about making it happen!!! Thanks for reading!

  2. KeepOnTruckin Avatar

    “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

    1. Yesssss! Totally agree Tom. Simple as that!

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