7 Ways to Kick Your Fear of Public Speaking!


“There are two kinds of speakers in the world … those who are nervous and those who are liars.’ – Mark Twain

Really … do you know anyone who isn’t afraid in some way (even if it’s a little tiny baby fraction of a feeling) a little scared to speak in public. 

It’s like the #1 fear of most people on this planet.  

So if you are reading this and you are one terrified of public speaking  … this post is for you!

There are absolutely things you can do to make you more comfy on the stage or in front of the room. 

I mean … I’ve been speaking since like 5th grade when I was a part of the speech meet team (#nerdalert) and even I still get nervous. 

It’s totally normal.   

I have a series of rituals I perform, with a few key techniques I use, to help me take the stage every time I speak or emcee an event with confidence. 

And guess what … these are totally things you can do too!

So click play on the video below and find out my top 7 tips!


So now … I’d love to hear from you:

How do you calm your nerves when you have to speak in public?

I LOVE reading your comments so make sure you so “HOLLA back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™ Framework.  So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out how to work with me.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.



PS – If you dig this video or know someone who would, pass it on!

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2 responses to “7 Ways to Kick Your Fear of Public Speaking!”

  1. Nice presentation!

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