You pick the Improv show … they do the rest!

Hi everyone!
As an expansion on my “laughter” post this week  … I thought I’d put together a list of some of my favorite shows in Chicago right now. I am asked all the time where the good improv is … so below I listed my FAVORITES!!
Of course there is SO much more here in Chicago and around town … and no doubt this list will change and grow. But for now … these are my recommendations.
But seriously … go see some shows.  Trust me … you will laugh so hard you pee (no really, you might) and you will feel amazing when you leave.
So plan a date night, a girls night, a work event, an alone night … and go to a show.   Trust me … you WILL NOT regret it!
Here are some of my faves:
  • “Messing with a Friend” at The Annoyance – Stars one of my favorite improvisers EVER, Susan Messing.  A total MUST see!   Click here for tickets and showtimes.
  • “Improv All Stars” at Second City – The “best of the best” around town get on stage and play together.  It’s a blast to watch!   Click here for tickets and showtimes.
  • “TJ and Dave” at iO – These guys are legends not only in Chicago but in the improv world.  TJ is my favorite and you’ll recognize him from the hysterical Sonic commercials.  Click here for tickets and showtimes.
  • “Improvised Shakespeare” at iO – you will be amazed by how these talented improvisers perform shakespeare off the cuff.  So fun, so silly, so good!  Click here for tickets and showtimes.
  • “The Deltones” at iO – Amazing musical Improv and one of the best shows I’ve seen!!  Click here for tickets and showtimes.
  • “Jimmy and Johnnie” at Second City DeMaat Theater. So fun to watch these legendary improvisers play!  Click here for ticket info and showtimes.
  • Anything “Rachel Mason” does.  She is one of my favorite Improv teachers and SO good!  She is in Second City’s All stars every Monday. The Playboys with Susan Messing every third Sunday. And in Jimmy and Johnnie every first Sunday.
  • Lastly, anything “Craig Uhlir” does.  Right now he plays every Sunday at iO at 8pm (Deep Schwa) and 10:30 (u who).  Click here for tickets and showtimes.
GO. SEE.  IMPROV.  It’s good for your bones.
What are some of your favorite Improv shows in Chicago or anywhere?  (improv friends … perfect time to plug your shows on my blog!)
Be well.  Be Inspired!
PS – the cover photo of this post is me performing with my Level E ensemble at Second City, such a fun group!  Miss you guys!
Follow the conversation on Twitter at #tribeholla


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