How Prepared You Are Is How Pro You Look with Judi Holler

How Prepared You Are Is How Pro You Look

How Prepared You Are Is How Pro You Look is the topic of today’s episode. Some of the best advice Judi has ever received is, “How prepared you are shows how much you care about your audience.” In today’s solo, Judi takes this notion a step further and shares her evolved perspective and a new approach with you. She begins with an anecdote from one of her now famous keynote speeches, which was almost an epic failure, and then debunks the notion that improvisers don’t rehearse. Don’t skip the end! Judi shares a sneak peek into her tried and true preparation routine. 

Today on Yes, And:

  • What Judi learned from Simon Sinek’s 
  • The biggest misnomer in the improv theater
  • Judi’s own approach to rehearsing
  • Why preparation is a form of self-respect
  • How Prepared You Are Is How Pro You Look

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

  1.  “The big misnomer about the improv theater is that we improvisers just wing it. Hell no. I will never wing anything and I don’t recommend that you do either. We improvisers are actually some of the most prepared people you ever meet. It’s our preparation that, training and discipline that allows us to improvise in the moment, if and when we need to.”
  2. “I have watched entrepreneurs jump off into the net, without a plan or money in the bank, and then they create work out of fear, stress, anxiety and panic because there is no money plan.”
  3. “If you want to look like a pro on stage, or off stage, sit down, prepare and do the work. How prepared you are not only shows how much you respect the humans you are about to interact with, but it also shows how much you respect yourself.” 


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