Are you a Pro … or are you just an Amateur?

“The sure sign of an amateur … you have a million plans … and they all start tomorrow.” – Steven Pressfield
Are you a Pro … or are you blindly stumbling around life like an Amateur?
Guess what peeps?  What holds us back the most in life is the fact that we are living our lives as amateurs!
Ok … so what does an amateur look like?
Amateurs don’t show up everyday … no matter what.    Amateurs don’t commit.  Amateurs lack ambition.  Amateurs don’t know how to laugh at failure.  Amateurs never write the book, lose the weight, quit the habit, leave the bad relationship, ship the book, deliver the speech.   Amateurs are afraid.
Being an amateur is about denial, distraction and drama.
The only antidote … turning Pro.
But turning Pro isn’t easy …
“When we turn Pro, we give up a life that we may have become extremely comfortable with.  We give up a self that we have come to identify with and call our own.  Turning Pro is free, but it is messy and scary.  And it demands sacrafice.  We tread in blood when we turn Pro.  But what we get when we turn Pro … we find our power.  We find our will and our voice and our self respect.  We become who we always were but had, until then, been afraid to embrace.”  – Steven Pressfield, written in Turning Pro
For me … Turning Pro changed everything in my life.
It’s when the lights went on for me and the doors of opportunity started flying open.
It can be this way for you too.
Turning Pro will change who you are … how you act … what you do … and who you spend your time with.
In Steven Pressfield’s Book, Turning Pro, he outlines what a Pro looks like … do you crave any of these qualities?
The Professional:
  • Is Patient
  • Seeks order
  • Acts in the Face of Fear
  • Accepts no excuses
  • Plays it as it lays
  • Is Prepared
  • Does not show off
  • Shows up every day
  • Stays on the job all day
  • Is committeed over the long haul
  • Understands the stakes are high and real
  • Dedicates himself to mastering his technique
  • Asks for help
  • Does not take failure, or success, personally
  • Endures adversity
  • Self Validates
  • Reinvents herself
  • Is Recognized by other professionals
I don’t know about you … but I want to be a Pro.  I am a Pro.
Are you ready to join me?
Be well. Be Inspired!
To work with me click here!
Follow the conversation on Twitter @judiholler or on Facebook by clicking here.



2 responses to “Are you a Pro … or are you just an Amateur?”

  1. Char Yaemniyom Shada Avatar
    Char Yaemniyom Shada

    Oh………I am so totally a pro right along side you sister!

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