What I Wish I Knew when I was 25!!!

“Today is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be again.” – Unknown
I don’t know about you .. but life is flyyyyyyyying by!
It’s almost creepy how fast my homie “Father Time” is hustling on that clock.
I feel like everytime I look up a new year has gone by.
I was just thinking the other day … man, if I only knew “this” when I was 25 or if I only knew “that” when I was in my 20’s … how much different would life be now?
I started a little list the other day and thought I’d share it with you … I hope it inspires YOU to START doing some of these things on the list below … (if your not already doing them)
And to pass it on … to a 20-something … trust me … these lil’ nuggets o’wisdom are GAME CHANGERS!  For you and the 20-somethings you know.
What I wish I knew when I was 25:
  1. That Yoga is incredible!  I wish we were taught about Yoga and it’s benefits in grade school health class or gym. The health benny’s are insane.  Each movement can bring mental clarity and a spiritual connection that is super life changing.
  2. That Smoking Sucks!  Why did I ever pick up a cig?  Gross.  And it only gets harder to quit as you get older.  Hang onto your beauty and your health … never take one puff.
  3. You can pick yourself – You don’t need to wait for anyone to give you “permission” to do something.  A road map for your life isn’t going to magically appear … you must draw your own!  All you need is the guts to open the door for yourself!
  4. Green is Good!  I love juicing .. it’s become my morning ritual, espeically since I quit coffee.  Get a Nutri Bullet and blend your breakfast every morning … your skin, body and attitude will thank you!
  5. If it’s not a hell yes, then it’s a hell no!  This sums it up … if your not 1,000% all HELL YES on something, don’t do it.  I spent a lot of my 20’s doing things I thought I should be doing b/c I cared too much about what other peeps thought.  If you don’t want to go to college, don’t.  If you don’t want to get married, don’t.  If you don’t want to have kids, don’t.  If you want to move, move. If you want to start a business, start it.  Can I get a  #HellYes
  6. What “The Resistance” Is?!  Read Steven Pressfields, Do The Work. This book will become your manifesto!  Pay attention to page 142.  Resistence is fear, self doubt, self sabataouge and it shows up any time and everytime you try to take your life from a lower playing field to a higher one.  It’s always lying and full of shit -never forget that.
  7. That you CAN break the cycle – You are not your past.  You are not bound to the chains of a F’d up childhood or a bad relationship with a parent.  You choose your own destiny and it’s up to YOU.  It’s your attitude that determines your altitude. So choose wisely!
  8. Floss like a mo’ fo’ – Totally basic but for real, floss.  It will save you sooooo much PAIN when you get older.
  9. Everything is Figureoutable – There is always an answer or a solution … you can figure anything out.  If you want something bad enough you’ll figure it out.  And now with google and YouTube Vids you can really figure anything out.  This thinking will change everything for you … because there is nothing you cannot do or figure out.
  10. It’s ok to break up with friends – People change.  They become assholes.  They hurt you.  And when this happens … it’s ok to kick them to the curb.  ONLY surround yourself with people who build you up and make you feel amazing.  If not … buh-BYE!
  11. Drink less / travel more –  I definitely had a BLASTY-BLAST in my 20’s and highly encourge it … however, I wish I would have saved some of that bartending money up and went to Europe or Italy or Ireland.  Expanding your world EARLY will benefit how you see things LATER.  It’s big beautiful world out there … go play in it!
What would you add to the list?
Be well. Be Inspired!
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