10 Ways to Piss Off the People You Lead!

“He who has great power should use it lightly.” – Seneca

God I’m frustrated right now by someone.
Does this person know how much they drive everyone crazy?
Do they have ANY idea how this is effecting thier personal brand?
Do they know that EVERYONE is talking about them?
It got me thinking …
This has to be here in my life to teach me something.
Because learning comes in surprising ways.
Sometimes the worst boss, colleage, friend, relationship, etc … becomes the BEST teacher.
And when we KNOW better we DO better.
So if you want to piss off and frustrate everyone around you … do these 10 things and I can guarantee it will happen:
  1. Never say you are sorry – You were wrong.  You acted like a total jerk-face. You made a mistake. Whatever it make be.  Fess up and apologize. Real leaders have the courage to say sorry … AND MEAN IT.  (and none of that “fake sorry” BS … not gonna cut it.)
  2. Play Politics – We know what you are doing. It’s shady … and everyone sees it … stop!  REAL leaders rise to the top organically … if it’s forced it’s fake!
  3. Change your mind all the time  – You say one thing one minute and the next you are on a totally different side.  I know what your up to … your playing “politics” and it’s so lame.  Cut it out will ya?
  4. Be aggressive and confrontatational – Being a bull dozer doesn’t make people respect you. It just pisses people off. Again, real leaders EARN respect … they don’t have to demand it or FEAR it into people
  5. Be un-responsive – I get that we are all “busy” … but be in charge of your inbox.  Call people back.  Or put someone on it that can handle it for you.  Prioritze.  When you are un-responsive you are killing your personal brand. It’ also makes you difficult to work with.  Don’t make people guess.
  6. Over Talk – For the love of sweet baby Jesus … LISTEN!!!!  If you call me for help … then listen to me when I speak.  Don’t overtalk my sentences and dominate the conversation.  Guys – this one is huge.  Doing this a game changer.  REALLY listening to peeps is so powerful!
  7. Reference someones age or experience – You SCREAM insecure (and a little cray-cray) when you constantatly think you know more than someone b/c you are older … and then you proceed to be condescending and arrogant to them.  Trust me, I’ve learned some of my best stuff from peeps younger than me!!
  8. Never recognize anyone – People want to be seen and heard.  See your people, tell them how great they are, recoginze them, award them, treat them well.
  9. Cancel at the last minute – I get that life happens … but make a habit of this behavior and you’ll kill your personal brand.
  10. Micro-Manage – People need guidelines and expectations … then you have to trust them and let go.  Follow up … check in … support them.  But don’t Micro.  This is suffocating and tells someone you don’t trust them.
I’d love to hear from you!
What are some things you have learned from the bad leader, boss or colleage in your life?
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HOLLA! Back,


2 responses to “10 Ways to Piss Off the People You Lead!”

  1. jennipoola Avatar

    Love this one Judi….you are saying what everyone one else wants to say out load

    1. The elephant in the room right?! We can ALL learn from these reminders … when we know better we DO better!

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