12 Productivity Hacks to Help you Get More Done!

“Amateurs sit back and wait for inspiration … the rest of us just get up and get to work.” – Stephen King
I am asked all the time …
“How do you do it all?”
“Where do you find the time?”
“How do you manage everything you are involved in?”
Honestly, sometimes I wonder how the hell I do it all too!   I’m just like you … I get overwhelmed, feel afraid, self doubt and want to just lay down and take a nap.
But MOST of the time … it’s all about hard work, hustle and most importantly INTENTION!
And this attitude has a huge impact on your personal brand, your success and how you move through life.
I am extremely intentional about everything I do and am a bit obsessed with productivity.    So I’m always trying on new things to see if they will work for my business and my life.
Some do.
Some don’t.
But the one’s that do are game changers.   And I want to share them with you!
Here are my TOP Prouducitivy Hacks that help me perform at the top of my game and find more TIME:
  1. Email Control – I DO NOT let email control me.  I use this policy:   I either Do it, Delete it or Delegate it.   My #1 goal each day is to have 0 emails in my inbox b/c I’ve done one of the 3 D’s to take action.
  2. Schedule Everything – I have have a VERY detailed (and awesomely color coded) Outlook calendar.   I schedule EVERYTHING!  Fitness, Prospecting, Writing, Social Time, Family Time, Meditation, Research. Whatever it may be.  I believe that if it’s not written down … it won’t get done.  So write it down and then DO IT.  If you don’t … you wander aimlessley, have no plan and end up wasiting precious time.
  3. Get Lonely – I write into my schedule ALONE TIME.  And yes, even if you have kids you can do this too! Scheduling time for YOU, even if it’s just an hour, is huge.  It allows you to re-connect with yourself, find inspriation and breathe.   This will make you a better everything … you must honor yourself first b/c if you don’t how can you be good to anyone else?
  4. Catch those Zzzz’s  – You MUST sleep. 7 hours minimum.   No excuses. You’ll be more alert, focused and productive in your day because your are rested and guess what … this will SAVE YOU TIME!
  5. Nix the Boob Tube – I do not watch TV.  Anyting I watch is pre-recorded on my DVR and watched during my planned alone/chill time.  OR I watch shows from my iPad when working out.   This has been a HUGE time saver for me … by not wasting away on the couch I’m able to be more productive and live my life!
  6. Create a Moblie University –  I’ve turned my car into a mini-University. This is where I catch up on all my favorite Podcasts to reserach and get inspiration. Also, it’s a great way to read books. (FYI … my favorite podcasts are:  This is Your Life, Improv Nerd, Start With Why, Freakonomics Radio, The Good Life Project, and The Moth to name a few!)
  7. NO!  – My rule of thumb:  If it’s not mutually beneficial … I don’t do it.  If it doesn’t feel good, if it doesn’t support my values, if it doesn’t align with my why, if it doesn’t scream HELL YES!  Then I don’t do it.  Plain and Simple.  This as been HUGE for me and saved me a TON of wasted time.
  8. Buffer– This little miracle of a tool is how I set up all my social media for the week.   I spend a few hours every weekend to set my week up and while my social media is working for me … I’m focused on workin’ it for myself!  www.bufferapp.com
  9. Social Media – I have strict rules on my time spent online.  I love it but I’m mindful.  It’s so easy to get sucked in. So when I’m working I turn off all distractions. There are a couple cool apps that help you:  Anti-Social for Mac and Cold Turkey for PC. Check it!
  10. Templates – I use templates for everything. If you’ve got something that works, save it and stop re-creating the rule.   Create draft templates that can serve you over and over again!
  11. Evernote – What woud I do without this little mircale?   It’s my online brain dump. It’s where I store and organize all my notes, ideas, tips, blog posts, research, etc.
  12. Resistance – Lastly, I understand that the Resistence is real and that it is fear, self-sabatouge, doubt and procrastination.  I am productive b/c I know that the only antidote to fighting it is by doing the work. Read this book:  The War of Art.  It’s my manifesto for life
The bottom line.  YOU must be in control of your life, your future and your schedule.   Working 7 days a week and stressing yourself out is no way to go through life. 
Set priorities. 
Move on if you have to. 
This is your life and you only get one shot. 
What do you do in your life or business to stay productive?
Know someone who could benefit from this blog post … pass it on using the social share links below!
I’d love to work with you!  Click here to contact me.
HOLLA! Back,


7 responses to “12 Productivity Hacks to Help you Get More Done!”

  1. Carmen Sandiego Avatar
    Carmen Sandiego

    That “Buffer” url takes me to a sealant website completely unrelated to any of the content in this article. Would you please clarify/correct that url?

    1. Thanks for catching that! It’s bufferapp.com. I will fix as soon as I can log into WordPress.

      1. Carmen Sandiego Avatar
        Carmen Sandiego

        Thank you!

  2. T.dot Avatar

    Love, Love, Love this blog post. Girl…preach! i am super productive at work b/c i am scheduled. at home.. fail. i’m going to schedule my time. i’ll check it out and let you know how it works! hope you are well! 🙂

    1. Thank you for the snaps!!! It’s totally about finding that balance … of productivity at work AND at home! Keep focused and stay dedicated … your life will thank you!

  3. Lisa Marie Brulinski Avatar
    Lisa Marie Brulinski

    I printed this one! 🙂

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