Do You Want To Ask for Anything and Get What You Want!

“It’s surprising how often you can get what you want.” – Leigh Buchanan, Inc Magazine
Lately I’ve been purposely finding ways to ask for things to see what happens in order to strengthen my “asking muscle”.
Asking … and then shutting up.
That’s the hard part for me.
Because I get all girly, and self-doubty, and nervous.   So I talk.
It’s like I turn into this weird version of myself who is like Bambi learning to walk for the first time.
I’ve got to put that in check!
When the stakes are high … and I’m asking for the thing I really need, or want, or desire … I need to be able to get it under control … ask … and then shut up.
I must believe that what I have is good enough.
No matter what the outcome is!
That’s the key part … because the universe is always working for you  … so if the thing you are asking for doesn’t pan out … it’s cool … it just means there is something else coming your way and you just don’t see it yet.
As I’ve been out there flexing my “Ask Muscle” what I’ve been discovering is pretty awesome!
  • People actually do what you ask them
  • You can get what you want
  • You start to learn incredible things
  • Crazy cool doors can open … just because you asked
  • It creates opportunity for the person you asked to do the thing
Bottom line:  The ability to ask for things is CRITICAL to success in life and helps you build a powerful personal brand.
Most of the time …. people simply say yes because you ask!!!
And since people are so afriad to ask … this gives you an edge to get in there and possibly get the YES!
There is no need to stress yourself out and create a massive situation out of something that is ultimately so simple.
Here are some tips to help you become an ASKING Ninja: 
  1. Always be Asking – I make a goal to ask for one thing every day!  Sometimes it’s simple. Sometimes it’s high stakes.
  2. Be open – To anything!  Remember you are talking to people … but you are also listening.  If you allow people to think WITH you … they too become invested in your idea and what you are asking for.
  3. Be Bold – Don’t fear this.  Sometimes you have to make a big ask … for money … for the job … the sale … the committment. Whatever it may be … if you simply ask people will really open up to you.
  4. The Universe has your back – Understanding that if the ask doesn’t come out your way … it’s all good.   And really truly believing this gives you confidence to ask in the first place.   When one door closes, another one will open.  Trust in that!
  5. Shut up – This is the biggest one I’ve learned.  Because it gets uncomfy. But after the ASK, you’ve got to shut up.  This is where the magic happens!!! Trust me.  You have to believe that what you have is good enough … and also, you have to be ok with the uncomfy.   Uncomfy = Comfy.  Just watch!
What ways has your life changed simply by asking?
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HOLLA! Back,


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