Personal Branding: 8 Easy Tips!

“A selfie-made millionaire isn’t just a pipe dream anymore.” – Marie Claire Magazine
Whether you realize it or not … you are a brand!
And guess what … “branding” is not just reserved for the celebs and big name products anymore.
It’s real and it’s happening and you HAVE to pay attention to it!
In a nutshell, personal branding is marketing yourself AND your career … as a brand. 
It also involves creating an ASSET by using who you are and what you know.
And we all now what an asset is right?  CASH MONEY!
Now more then ever, personal brands are everywhere.  People are making money off it.  And in this era of picking yourself … your personal brand is the FIRST step!
Oh and even better … the tools to build your brand are easy to get to!
These tools can help you launch your business, set you apart from the competition, create job security, find new customers, and make you more money!
YOU are your best PR.
YOU are CEO of your life.
YOU are an asset!
So what are you doing to grow, protect, and save that asset?
Here are some of my FAVE tips to get you started:
  1. Your Personal Brand is EVERYTHING!  Bottom line, you are always selling something and since everyone Google’s everything, first impressions are often made online.  You create your brand by sharing what you are most passionate about.
  2. EVERYONE can be a brand –  Take control of how you are percieved.  If no one can find you online and can only find selfies of you on Facebook, half cranked from a trip to Cancun, you’re in trouble.  “If you are not branding yourself, you’re letting the world brand you.” – Marie Forleo
  3. Entrepenuer vs. Employee – If you own your own biz, personal branding is everything!  If you are an employee, it’s still critical, it can create job security and help you stand out from the pack. Just make sure you are not violating any company policies.
  4. It’s all about the PEEPS –  This is old school but it works!  Nothing beats the power of networking with people. So put down your phone and look up!
  5. Get Clear – What inspires you? What are you working on? What do you value?  Also, what ideas, photos, and messags will you NOT share?   “It’s not so much about what you sell … it’s about what you stand for!” – Marie Forleo 
  6. Claim Yo’ Domain – Based on the level you want to play at, you have a ton of options … a website, a blog, Facebook Pages, Twitter, Instagram. Pick the platform that works for you based on your goals.
  7. Share what you Love – Think about what you want to be known for.  What ideas you most want to share with the world. If you create things, share your work and your process. Oh and don’t forget to share other people’s work you admire!
  8. Keep it Fresh – As you grow and evolve out there in the world … make sure to update your social media photos, freshen up that LinkedIn profile, write an updated bio, polish up that resume, dress like you mean it, read books … whatever it may be for you!
How are you growing and protecting the greatest assest you own … YOU?!
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HOLLA! Back,
Credits: Marie Claire Magazine and Marie Forleo.


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