4 Things To Do When You Are Overwhelmed!


“Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.” – John De Paola

Let me tell you … I have suffered from anxiety, overwhelm, and stress more times than I’d like to admit.

And it’s because of this that I knew I had to get it under control one way or the other.

I know you know that feeling …

Your head feels like it’s going to explode.


Because you have a million things on your to do list and you have NO CLUE how you are going to get everything done.

You feel anxious.

You feel stressed.

And your head literally feels like it’s spinning.

There is more and more being put on your plate with less and less time available.

You are working longer and taking less time off.

Between work, family and personal needs it’s never been easier to get sucked into a never ending to-do list and end up overwhelmed.

And this is a dangerous place to be.

It can make you angry, crabby, negative and most importantly sick.

And this will no doubt effect your personal brand and the success you find in life.

You have to put that overwhelm and stress in check!

That’s what this episode of The #Brandprov Show is all about …


So now, I’d love to hear your perspective!

How do you deal with overwhelm in your life?

I cannot wait to hear from you  and have you HOLLA BACK in the comments below.

As always, thanks for watching, reading and sharing …

Holla Back!


2 responses to “4 Things To Do When You Are Overwhelmed!”

  1. Making Lists is what I do. I can’t live without them! When even that becomes too much I go outside and take a walk or play with my dog. Change of scenery and fresh air are always a great way to boost your mood.

    1. I love me some lists! However ,the big thing is to not get too cray cray with the list or nothing gets done. I start each day with my “Big 3” … the 3 things I have to get done. This keeps it manageable and focused. Oh and I love me a good walk. I’m reading an awesome book right now (blog coming soon on it) about the daily rituals of successful people and walking is a common thread for almost all of them!

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