Want To Be More Brave?


Someone told me the other day … “I don’t know how you do Improv. You’re so brave! I could never do that!”

My gut reaction to this person’s comment was … “First of all … yes you can!”

Anyone can improvise, you actually improvise every day,  fear is the only thing in your way!

And fear will keep you stuck and safe and the same.

It’s a dangerous, dangerous thing.  Fear.

And then I thought … I’m not any braver than anyone else.  I get terrified about things every single day.

The difference … I just am onto fear. I know it’s nasty little plan.

And just like chemo fights cancer … I fight fear by doing the thing I think I cannot do anyway.

Fighting fear keeps me healthy and happy and ALIVE!

I guess that makes me brave.

But mostly I have guts  … and I refuse to let fear hold me back from living my best life.  Because that’s what it wants to do.

So … how can you do this too?

Like I said, I get scared about things all the time … just like you.  Speaking in public, performing improv, doing this blog, flying, elevators, staying healthy.

I’m sure you have your own list.

And I know that if I want to do anything great in life I’ve got to get and keep my fears in check.

There are a few key things I do anytime I get afraid to make sure I push forward and keep going.

And I’m sharing them with you in this weeks video … let’s go!


So now … I’d love to hear from you:

What do you do when you need to get brave?

Make sure you so “HOLLA back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™ Framework.  So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out how to work with me.

AND if you dig this video, share it with your buds and make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter so you get these videos and more delivered right to your inbox.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.

See you next week on the Brandprov ™ show, right here on HOLLA! TV





4 responses to “Want To Be More Brave?”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    I heart a good power stance….trying to figure out how I can get a UnderDog from my 6’4″ frame. Great advice all the way through Judi. And anyway, fear is for wimps, come on peeps, face the fear and do it anyway. Love you tons Wonder Woman!

    1. Yah! LOL … I’m trying to picture that right now. Rock your power stance any way you like it! Just keep rocking.

  2. Crash Avatar

    Remember John Cage from Ally McBeal? I definitely try to “hear the bells” before going into battle… I mean the boardroom. It reminds me that sometimes life can seem like TV … meaning that it’s not life or death all the time!

    1. I am loving this analogy!!!!! I like the way you think! Appreciate the comment and keep “hearing those bells” b/c you are right … it’s never life or death in the boardroom!

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