5 Things You Should Not Be Afraid Of


Fear is sneaky lil’ SOB. 

And honestly, sometimes he totally acts like a 5 year old.

His favorite game: Playing hide and seek. 

And the way he hides is by disguising himself as one of the other monsters that hang out in his squad. 

Homies like:

  • self-doubt
  • self-sabotage
  • procrastination
  • perfectionism
  • frustration

He uses these monsters to stop you … trick you … make you question yourself. 

To make you doubt all of your badassery.

You must never forget that the thing fear hates more than anything else is ACTION. 

Because when you take action you will create MOMENTUM.

And momentum is a SUPER POWER!!

So, here’s the deal, as you go out there and kick ass, and take risks, and do big things … fear is waiting for you.  

He is ready to party and he wants to play hide and seek with you.

Your job is to know when to call his bluff.

To know when fear is protecting you and when fear is trying to tell you something. 

This is why it’s smart to keep him close … because the more you start hanging out with him the better you’ll get at learning his moves.  

While there are lots of things in the world, especially these days, that are scary …   

Here are 5 things you should NEVER be afraid of:

  1. Your Age:   Listen … you are like a fine wine and trust me, you get better with age!  Plus, I think one of the secrets to staying young is by hanging around younger people.  So, fill your life with people of all ages and let them inspire and energize you.  And if you are over 40 and find yourself saying things to yourself like “I’m too old for that” … or “It’s too late” … or “If only I had done (insert thing) when I was 20” … blah blah blah.  Stop it.  You get what you believe … so start talking to yourself like a badass … and then watch yourself start doing badass things.   
  2. Other Peoples Success:  One of my favorite mantra’s I use to get out of the “comparison danger zone” is to STOP HATING AND START STUDYING!  I recently heard Franchesa Ramsey say this on a recent Marie TV episode and I immediately screamed HELL YES.  There is enough for all of us.  Let those you feel “jealous” of inspire you.  Study.  Create.  Keep huslting.  And give more.   Then sit back and watch the world give you big high-five in the form of success. 
  3. Crushing it:  Can we finally all just admit that it’s OK to do well?!  It’s ok to make money.  It’s ok to thrive. And it’s ok to WANT that too.   Because having money and doing well will inspire others to do more, be more, and earn more themselves.  And the more you make the more you can create and give.   You deserve to crush it and the thing to realize is that the universe, God … whoever you believe in … actually WANTS you to crush it. Big time. 
  4. Speaking Up:  So many times I watch amazing people, who have plenty to contribute, sit in meetings and on conference calls silently.  This is such a missed opportunity to grow, connect and engage.  No one has your unique perspective and what you have to say matters … plus, I’ve found the more you speak up, even though it’s super scary, the better you get at it.  So, show up to meetings prepared and have one badass question or comment in your back pocket you can lay down to provide value and add to the conversation.
  5. Bragging on Yo’Self:  We must take the shame out of shameless self-promotion.  As long as you are giving at least 80% of the time, there is nothing wrong with putting yourself out there the other 20%. I have no idea when it became a bad thing to express joy and pride about what you do for a living.  We must stop that + if we don’t know what you do, or what you need, how can we help you? 

So, fear slayer, as you go out there and do the scary stuff … remember these 5 ideas.

Get focused, hustle hard, give more than you take. 

The rest will work itself out. 

Made with Love.