Episode 51: 5 Biggest Lessons of 2020

Summary: Welcome to the *birthday* party of Yes, And! That’s right—this episode marks the 1 year anniversary of the podcast. To wrap up this wild year, I am sharing the 5 biggest lessons I’ve learned in 2020 that have rocked my life and my business! I talk about being dynamic in your business, betting on yourself, cancel culture, and crushing your fears head-on. Let’s go!

In this episode of Yes, And:

  • Your Holy Sh*t fund: pay yourself first & never wait for “someday”
  • Diversifying your business & being dynamic in your platforms
  • How I choose to use her voice and show up for the Fear Boss community
  • Why you always want to bet on yourself
  • How I faced fear and got my first mammogram
  • Lessons and Tips for helping yourself in fearful moments 

Top 3 quotes:

  1. You will never feel ready, you’ll never be able to avoid failure, and you’ll never be able to outrun fear. So why waste your energy trying to? Why not face your fears, trust yourself, and have fun trying new things—because that’s where the magic happens.
  2. Planning for the downturn is smart, brave, and BONUS – it makes fear take a backseat. If you say, “Yes, And… YES this could happen AND here’s my plan” it pushes fear to the back because you know you have a plan while buying you time to think and pivot.
  3. Make sure you’re investing into the most important asset you own every single day, and Fear Boss—that is you.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions