stop waiting for someday

Stop Waiting for Someday

Are you ready to stop waiting for someday? Do you suffer from chronic Someday Syndrome? Do you find yourself saying “I’ll do that…someday.”?Well, wait no longer because Judi tackles that very issue on today’s episode! She shares the dangers of waiting for someday and how that can lead to a life full of regrets. Plus, hear a heartbreaking story about someone waiting until it was too late, how the Haus of & methodology addresses Someday Syndrome, and learn how you can take your “someday” and turn it into “today”!   Every day is an opportunity to start!

Today on Yes, And:

  • How to live a life without any regrets
  • Turning your “someday” into “today”
  • Why treating everyday like a special occasion creates magic
  • Behind The Haus of & methodology

Top 3 Quotes:

  1.  Today, right now, is a great time to pull out the wedding china and use the fancy stuff. Because you’re here and it’s right now. 
  2. Most of us are suffering from the deadly disease I call Someday Syndrome. We “someday” ourselves into doing nothing.
  3.  We get stuck in this waiting because we think we have time. And we get so stuck that it blocks us from receiving all the magic that is meant for us.

This show is supported by:

  • AdvoCare® | New and existing customers use code YESAND15 for 15% off! 
  • Get 1 free month of the Haus of & Mentorship with code OPENTHEDOOR!


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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions