declutter your life: stuff, shopping, and self-sabotage - episode 111

Declutter Your Life: Stuff, Shopping, and Self-Sabotage

Declutter Your Life:  Stuff, Shopping, and Self-Sabotage is the topic of this week’s episode of Gin and Juiced.  It gets real and vulnerable as Judi and Amanda cast some light on the shadow side of the more socially acceptable addictions. Overspending and overeating, they’re officially over it! And they’re here today with a raw and honest conversation about decluttering and purging they’ve been doing in their lives lately, and how they’ve dealt with the shame and guilt of the experiences. They discuss the role social media has had in our constant desire for more, how Judi’s mantra of the year has serendipitously played into purging her overflowing closet, and they give you some hardcore motivation to start opening the doors in your own life that you’ve been scared to.  

Today on Yes, And:

  • The ladies get raw and real about their spending habits
  • Why we try to fill emotional needs with physical things
  • Addressing the shame and guilt surrounding our material addictions
  • How to open the door to your own closet and cast light on your shadows

Top 2 Quotes:

  1. I knew I had a problem, I was just closing the door on it. I didn’t want to look at it, and my overflowing closet was just a metaphor for what I’m not willing to deal with. So…what’s in your closet? 
  2. We tend to think of discipline as simply “doing something”. But the truth is that real discipline is saying no. If you don’t eat the cookie, and you wake up the next day, you will actually feel better.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions