unleash the rhythm of your purpose with jade Simmons episode 134

Unleash the Rhythm of Your Purpose with Jade Simmons

Unleash the rhythm of your purpose on today’s show. Judi is joined by her friend, pianist, fellow keynote speaker, and general badass, Jade Simmons. Jade has a unique style of performing that activates audiences into becoming the biggest, boldest, version of themselves possible. In this episode, Judi and Jade talk through Jade’s journey to the top, uncovering your purpose, living boldly, and the transformational power of ‘And’. Jade’s charisma and confidence are as palpable as her message: We are all born with a purpose. It’s not something you find, but something you uncover. Once your purpose is clear, you can ignore it, or you can lean in and ‘And’ it time and time again.  

Today on Yes, And:

  • Managing work-life balance as a keynote speaker
  • Jade’s advice for people building unique businesses
  • When Jade became more than just a pianist
  • How to uncover your track record and your personal verb
  • Jade and Judi’s favorite prayers 


Connect with Jade:

Connect with Judi:

This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes:

  1. “For years, I thought my purpose was to play the piano. And my husband says to me one night ‘You know sweety, I don’t think piano’s going to be your thing.’ He saw the look in my face and he said ‘Wait! wait! wait! What I mean is I think piano’s going to be the thing that opens the door for the other things you do.’”
  2. “My purpose is to activate audiences into becoming the biggest, boldest, version of themselves possible. The one that is ready to take the largest leaps. The version of themselves that they have always been called to be. 
  3. “‘Yes, And’ is actually a freedom to do the things that you are built to do, not just to say ‘yes’ to everything and everyone.”