Key #6 Ready is a choice. If you’re waiting until you feel ready to get started, you’re going to be waiting for the rest of your life…and the only regret you’ll ever have is not getting started sooner. In today’s solo, Judi shares her next life and business key, number six of twelve, that will help you unlock the door to more possibilities in your life. On the road to a more fulfilling life, you’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to look stupid and you’re going to “break some watermelons” along the way…And that’s okay! Each watermelon has a lesson tucked inside and, when one breaks, you get to learn something from it. It’s the breaking open that ultimately allows you to break through. So, get your ass off the couch, get out into the world and start breaking some melons! And, remember, ready is a CHOICE!

Today on Yes, And:

  • Finding something to celebrate within failure
  • Breaking watermelons: the mistakes it takes to get it right
  • 4 game-changing mindset shifts to help you move forward 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions


Top Quotes:

  1. “A meeting about missing a revenue goal, and beating ourselves up about it, is a very disempowering vibe. You leave those rooms feeling a lot different than you leave a meeting going, ‘Okay, we missed our goal, but what did we learn, how are we better and what can we do next time?’”
  2. “It is the breaking open that allows us to break through.”
  3. “You worry so much about people not liking you. The reality is this: people already don’t like you.”
  4. “The only regret you’re ever going to have is not starting sooner.”