key 7: Someday isn't a day episode 142

Key #7: Someday Isn’t a Day

Someday isn’t a day.  Have you ever heard of someday syndrome? We’re talking about that, “I’ll get to it when…, I’m waiting until…” fear-based, type of mindset that many of us adopt early in life because it’s what we see played out all around us.  Today, Judi shares her next life and business key, number seven of twelve, that will help you unlock the door to more possibilities in your life. We’re taught that work is a prerequisite to play…but what’s the point of all the hard work you put in if you’re waiting for “someday” to enjoy it? News flash: Someday may never come! Someday syndrome is a sneaky way fear shows up to steal your dreams and stop your momentum, so this episode’s all in favor of popping the bubbles, booking the trip, and spending time with the people you love most. The only thing “someday” guarantees is that regret will become the main character in your life story and, babe, you deserve better.


Today on Yes, And:

  • What would a world without regret look like?
  • Manifest is a verb and requires active movement
  • Quit saving all your points for retirement! Today is special enough

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions


Top Quotes:

  1. “Every time you wait, you miss an opportunity to connect really powerfully and really profitably. You end up quitting on yourself and the people who need you the most. This is what leads to regret.”
  2. “Just imagine a world where the word “regret” has been eliminated from the conversation because you are way too busy taking action.”
  3. “You can’t sit around with your crystals, your karma, your palo santo and your prayers and expect things to happen—true manifestation requires movement.”
  4. “Is there anything heavier than getting to the end of your life and realizing that you missed so much of it by playing it safe?”
  5. “There’s no guarantee in this life, but this moment right now is all yours.”
  6. “Of course, we want to leave things behind for our kids and our families, but what’s the point of it all if we’re not enjoying the moments we have right now and savoring them with the people we love the most?”