You Are Ready for 2023!

You are ready! Nothing emits the feeling of a fresh start, blank canvas, or open road ahead, like the beginning of a new year. In today’s solo, Judi shares the energy and ideas she’s bringing into 2023, hoping to inspire you to make this the best year in your life and business. Self-care, leadership, and focus are at the forefront of the discussion and the potent reminder that you may need to subtract a thing or two from your goals list to free up the space to add what you want in 2023. You are ready for all of the things.  Judi wants you to know that you already have, inside of you, everything you need to succeed, in the way you want to succeed, in this new year. So go get em’.

Today on Yes, And:

  • Resting, not rushing, into the new year
  • Making soulbatticals and self-care a top priority 
  • Ways to remain relevant as a leader in 2023
  • Judi’s vision for the future of Yes, And

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

  1. “I think so many times, as business owners, we listen to the noise a little too much, watch what everyone else is doing too much and then just doing what everyone else is doing. As CEOs, we need to get more curious and lead with more courage.”
  2. “While I love habit and ritual, I dread things looking the same every single day. This is why I love entrepreneurship, because you never know what you’re going to get.”
  3. “All this time, you thought you needed something else, outside of yourself, to find more freedom and life in your life, but, the truth is, you’ve always had it inside of you. Others can help you, but you hold the key.”