7 Tips to Re-Spark Your Creativity

Spark your creativity!  As a creative person, you should expect to feel blocked from time to time—It’s what you do when you feel blocked that can separate you from the next. You can drown in overwhelm and fold or consider feeling blocked to be an integral, even essential, part of the creative process. Spark your creativity after listening to today’s episode.  In today’s solo, Judi shares seven ideas to help get you out of your latest (or next) creative funk, so you can be sure that the endless river of creativity starts rolling your way.  Always remember that if you want to have an interesting life, go be interested.  Live a creative life where you explore your life from books you read to questions you ask, this will all help you spark your creativity.

Today on Yes, And:

  • How Judi deals with overwhelm
  • Why it’s helpful to think of creativity as a river
  • Seven easy ways to make yourself available to inspiration 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

  1. “Overwhelm is a choice and, most of the time, it’s an overwhelming abundance of everything you once wished for.”
  2. “If you want to have an interesting podcast, keynote, or anything you do in life, go. be. interesting. Live an interesting life.”
  3. “When you do things the same way you’ve always done them, you’re going to get the same things done the same way you’ve always done them. If you want different outputs, you need different inputs.”