7 Habits of Highly REGRETFUL People

This episode is about the 7 habits of highly REGRETFUL people with host Judi Holler.  Anyone who’s someone knows that you don’t want to leave this world with any regrets. Instead, you want to leave knowing that you left it all on the field, stage, or wherever it is that you do what you were put here to do. So, in today’s solo, Judi’s here to tell you the 7 habits of highly regretful people so you can be sure not to become one of them. If you’ve been playing life safe and letting your fears boss you around, you better listen up, take some notes and start kicking your regretful habits to the curb.    

Today on Yes, And:

  • Why you need to move faster and be. less. perfect.
  • The seven habits of highly regretful people and the traps that will guarantee them.
  • Judgy Judi proved wrong: Why you can’t trust a frown, and you can’t trust a smile. 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

  1. “So many of us stay safe in the space we’re comfortable in. We do things the same way we’ve always done them because we’ve always done them that way, and I think there are some bad habits that we pick up along the way that keep us stuck, safe, basic, and the same.”  
  2. “Procrastination is your body telling you that you need to either delegate something off your plate because you’re in too deep with overwhelm, or you need to make a damn move.”
  3. “There is a common myth that great people can multitask effectively, but I’m calling bullshit because your fortune is your ability to focus. And if you’re multitasking, you are not focused.”
  4. “As a speaker, you cannot trust a frown, and you can’t trust a smile. The most important person to trust is, and always will be, yourself.”