Are You Annoying Everyone?

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle

This is us … mid-magical robe moment!

I recently enjoyed a super fun and relaxing weekend with my 2 BFF’s.  

It was a magical weekend of no makeup, spa time, robes and laughing until we pee’d.  

And as it happens when you get together with friends you’ve had over half your life (22 years!) you talk about everything under the sun.

I left feeling relaxed, lucky, happy and my soul was full.   

One of our weekend themes became the #OwnIt.

We were gabbing about certain things going on in our lives, especially the tough situations where we are dealing with people who just don’t know how to #OwnIt. 

Listen, we all mess up.  We all make mistakes.  No one is perfect and no one will escape making a bad choice or messing up from time to time.

The real strength and power comes from being able to #OwnIt in any given situation, whether you are right or wrong, so you can free yourself and move on

Do you know someone in your life right now who just cannot move on from something?

Someone who has zero self-awareness and has no desire to take responsibility for their part in the thing that went wrong.   

This person is constantly the victim and is living a miserable life because of it. 

Listen, if you cannot take responsibility, become self aware and own your part in something that went wrong … you are only hurting yourself.

And being the constant victim is not only annoying, it’s holding you back and will keep you stuck. 

In life and as a leader, you have to be able to #OwnIt and take responsibility.   And all successful leaders have this quality. 

The most effective leaders I know have, I believe, realistic assessments of their own abilities – their strengths and weaknesses, their effect on others, the gaps that needed to be filled.

So … the big Q here … how can you be more self aware so you can avoid the annoying victim mentality? 

This is what we are digging into on this weeks episode of The Brandprov ™ show:


So now, I’d love to hear from you.

Do you struggle with self-awarness?  If so, how do you work on it?

Let’s get the conversation going in the comments below.

Make sure you so “HOLLA Back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company  … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™  Framework.  So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out more.

AND if you dig this video,  share it with your buds and sign up for my FREE newsletter on my website.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.



















2 responses to “Are You Annoying Everyone?”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    I love to #ownit. How else can we move forward in life professionally and personally if we don’t our own existence? Way to spread the word of ownership Judi! Thanks for the #ownit love.

    1. Doug E Fresh! Thanks for the comment and always love to see your posts. Yah, we have to see ourselves fully (good and bad / strengths and weaknesses) if we truly want to move forward and live a killer life. It’s a must. Is the secret sauce!

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