Why Your Appearance Matters!

“Cause I’m Fresh Dressed Like A Million Bucks.” – Snoop Dogg

(((It’s not every day you get to start a blog post with a Snoop Dogg quote.)))

This week I’m talking about your image and how it plays a huge role in your overall personal brand.

Like it or not, perception is reality.

The effort you put into your daily appearance makes a big impact on your career success, income level and overall competitive edge.

For your personal brand the biggest thing to remember is this: It’s not about what YOU think about your brand, your career or your work that matters

It’s what OTHER people (like your boss, you colleagues, your clients) think about you, your work and your reputation that matters.

Disclaimer: This does not include the haters … there will always be haters and you never want to waste one second of your precious and amazing life worrying about what people think that are not also in the arena putting themselves out there and doing their thing. (Thank you Brene Brown for that magical advice.)

Bottom line … your image matters.

Especially if you want to open doors and create a competitive edge.

This week I’m sharing 6 easy tips that will help you rock your image.


Now, I’d love to hear from you!

How do you dress for success? What are your tips, tricks and ideas?

HOLLA back in the comments below so we can get the conversation started!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I work as an keynote speaker helping hospitality professionals and women go from boring to brave using The Brandprov System … So check out my speaking page right HERE on my website to find out how to work with me.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.



PS – If you dig this video or know someone who would, pass it on!

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6 responses to “Why Your Appearance Matters!”

  1. Debbi Agins Beldon Avatar
    Debbi Agins Beldon

    Judi – I too clean out my closet twice a year – it’s a PITA, but it’s amazing how great I feel when it’s done AND bonus – I always find at least one item that I had forgotten about! Plus, it always makes me happy to donate my old stuff. The best tip I can share is I invested in huggable hangers – made all the difference in the world. Yes, they are more expensive but I actual feel good when I go in the closet – everything is on hangers the same size, shape and color and I can fit way more stuff in my closet which means I get to buy more clothes! As for shoes (which is my passion and obsession!) I made a rule – when I buy a new pair, I have to donate an old one. Helps keep things neat and tidy and keeps the husband happy too.

    1. Hi Debbi … ooooh … this is a good one. Ok, LOVE the idea of when you buy something … donating the other. Totally borrowing this idea! And I had no idea about “huggable” hangers. Who knew?! I think keeping your closet right and tight is just as important as keeping your money in order …You gotta show it some respect!

  2. Anita Weis Avatar
    Anita Weis

    Another great one Judi! I started using style book app. It takes inventory of your closet and let’s you put outfits together. I use it mostly when I travel so I have my outfits pre-planned for the time I am there. It’s a hassle to do the inventory, but worth it when I want to buy another black sweater that looks a lot like the other 4 I have.

    I work 100% from home. I started to dress in my business attire when I have an important presentation or meeting because it helps me feel confident. The other person can’t see me, but it works for me.

    Irecentlyhadafriend tell me not to buy anything unless I think I can wear it 30 times. Good thing to consider when purchasing for quality, not quantity.

    1. Hi Anita … oh this comment is so juicy I love it!!! Had no idea about Style Book … so checking that out. Thank you! And I laughed out loud at the black sweater comment … I used to be so guilty of that sort of thing myself. I love your friends tip. So borrowing that rule of thumb.

      Oh I hear you on the home office thing. Me too. I purposely get up every day (when I’m not on the road) and get myself put together. Some days more than others but I put effort into it … It makes me feel more confident too. Plus, my husband does NOT need to see me in yoga pants or jammies 5 days a week. LOL.

      Thank you for taking the time to comment … you are amazing!

  3. Joyce Paschall Avatar
    Joyce Paschall

    This is an important post, Judi, especially for young people – okay, young women – who come out into the work force having worn tights and spaghetti strap tops their whole lives. I occasionally teach at a hospitality program that requires students to wear real clothing that would pass muster in the business world and it’s quite a struggle to keep the girls on track. I once overhead a young woman say: “My mom said I should just put a blazer on over it but I told her I wouldn’t be caught DEAD in any BLAZER!!” Her horror at the mere idea of a blazer was palpable!

    Agree about the Huggable Hangers – much more clean and space-efficient.

    Some related concepts can be found in the books by Marie Kondo – those little books you see in the airport bookstore about “tidying.” The basic theme is to keep ONLY items that spark joy. I’m not there yet and may never be, but imagine if truly everything surrounding you actually DID do that – how amazing would that feel?

    Although some of her tactics and approaches may seem a bit goofy and mystical, she’s tapped into the psychological aspects of retaining stuff – and for women it’s often clothing/shoes/bags/accessories. Her concept of how to let go of items that were gifts (oh, I can’t get rid of this because Gertrude gave it to me and I’d feel bad not appreciating it…) is especially useful (it did what it was intended to, so thank it for its service and let it go on its journey…).

    Anyway, thanks for the good reminders and tips!

    1. Joyce I’m loving this comment and laughed out loud at least 3 times. (tights, blazers, spaghetti straps oh my!)

      Yes, this one is spot on for our younger event profs! Dress has changed so much … yet, it’s a critical part of success, income potential and overall growth.

      Really Really great point about only keeping things that give you joy. I think you may have sparked my next 60 second shout out idea! Great concept to share for sure. I’m always chasing more joy, who isn’t and what a simple way to find more of it. I certainly have stuff in my house / closet that doesn’t give me joy and that I keep to keep.

      So appreciate the comment … you always add an awesome layer to the convo!

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