7 ways to become your true, authentic self!

“Forever trust in who you are.  Nothing else Matters.” – Metallica
Last fall I took an Improv class with the legendary Jimmy Caranne called “The Art of Slow Improv”.  The whole idea behind the class was to learn how to be quiet and slow down … so you can find the “game” in the scene faster and learn how to connect with your partner so your scene work will be more grounded and real.  
Bottom line … It was all about learning how to shut up, listen and be yo’self.  
At first this terrified me … for me I love playing characters and becoming someone else on stage.  The thought of putting my actual self up there with all my vulnerabilities … scared the shit out of me.
However,  that’s what makes good Improv … because 90% of Improv laughter is recognition … meaning that you are are laughing because you get it … because it’s real to you … because you’ve been there.  It’s the realness that makes you pee your pants laughing. 
The class was 8 weeks long.  It was incredible.  I learned how to slow down.  How to “shut up”.  And that by just being MYSELF … I was funny … I was relate-able … and I was enough.  
Here we go … another life my peeps!
In life … in business … at home … with your family … at work … being your true, authentic self is the most honest and BRAVE thing you can do. 
I’ve put together my top 7 “be authentic self” guidelines that should help keep you on track:
  1. Define yourself on YOUR terms – you can’t be yourself if you don’t know, understand, and accept yourself first. So first take the time to figure this out.  Once you have defined your core values and terms, surround yourself with people who feel the same way, and build you up.
  2. Stop caring what others think – Ignore the haters.  Some people will like you and some won’t. It’s ok. It’s pretty much impossible to be yourself when you’re constantly wondering “Do they think I’m funny? Does she think I’m fat? Do they think I’m stupid? Am I good/clever/popular enough to be a part of (insert the life situation.)” To be yourself, you’ve got to let go of these concerns and just be you!
  3. Let go of the past – One of the most unhealthy approaches to being yourself is to make a decision that who you are is defined by a moment or a period of time in the past.  Allow yourself the space to grow, to improve, to become wiser from it.   Also allow yourself to forgive past behaviors you’re not so proud of. Work on accepting mistakes and choices you’ve made; they’re done and in the past.  Move on!
  4. Chill – Be cool.  Relax.  Keep Calm and Carry on baby. Whatever mantra you need, repeat it.   Stop obsessing that the worst will happen.  The story is already written.  Go out and enjoy it!
  5. Be your own BFF – You value your friends and those close to you right?!  Well, who is closer to you than you? Give yourself the same kind, thoughtful and respectful treatment that you give to other people you care about.
  6. Express yourself –  Be it your style, the way you talk or your way of doing something … if it strays from the mainstream and produces positive outcomes, then be proud of it. Be a character, not a type. Learn to communicate well – the better you can express yourself, the easier it is for the people who like you as you are to find you and the ones who don’t to just steer clear.
  7. Stop comparing yourself to others – You will never be happy if you keep doing this and it’s exhausting.  Love who you are … flaws and all.  Stop wasting minutes and days of this precious and short life wanting to be someone you are not, when who you are is perfect and enough!
What are you doing in your life to stay true to your authentic self?
Be well. Be Inspired!
Follow the conversation on Twitter at @judiholler or on Facebook by clicking here.  


14 responses to “7 ways to become your true, authentic self!”

  1. Andy Smith Avatar
    Andy Smith

    Wow, I am a new reader but this was a great post Judi. Do you mind if I forward it to some colleagues.

    1. Hi Andy!! Yes please … Share away! Appreciate the support! Thanks for reading!

  2. Kearstin H Avatar
    Kearstin H

    AMAZING tips as always!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks for reading Kearstin!! Miss your face!

  3. Great post Judi! Thanks for the little reminders needed them today:)

    1. I hear you … I need my daily remidners too! Thank you for reading!

  4. Sarah Dieter Avatar
    Sarah Dieter

    You’re a highlight to every Wednesday! Good stuff!

    1. Thanks for reading Deets!!!! Happy I can be a highlight!

  5. jennipoola Avatar

    all i can say is -word to your mother-

    1. Word up is right Poola! Thanks for reading … this post reminds me of you … and how you are a MG and proud! XO!

  6. HI Judy, thanks for sharing! One of my ways to staying true to myself is to be sure to check in with my body, my heart and how I feel. It’s easy to get caught up in the energy of the moment we are in, if one is committed to staying authentic and true to self it takes being mindful in each moment to check in with your authentic voice.

    1. Hi Andrea! You are right on the money. I agree … I always say that your body will tell you everything you need to know … and that it’s important to listen and honor it. Energy can be contagious in good and bad ways … so it’s important to know the difference. Great thoughts. Thanks for reading and the awesome comment!

  7. Great post, Judi! I’d say for staying true to my authentic self, one of the most important things for me is remind myself daily of your point number 2: stop caring about how others perceive you. I know that I tend to get carried away sometimes with pleasing everyone else (at the expense of myself!) because of an irrational need for “everyone to like me”. So I’m currently in the process of re-training myself out of this thinking and into a more authentic state of being – it’s a tough pattern to shake off but it’s definitely liberating! Thanks for sharing 🙂


    1. Hi Leanne! Thank you so much … I totally agree! This one is HUGE! When I started doing Improv this was one of the major gifts I received! Learning how to let go, get out of my head and just be me! I too am a “people pleaser” however now I am getting a lot better at being a ME pleaser! Keep up your good work and thanks for reading! Cheers, Judi

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