Author: peter2

  • Top 20 Best Gift Ideas For Christmas 2018!

      Does anyone else have the Christmas music playing on full blast yet?  I’m guilty as charged and have had Spotify Christmas on repeat since Thanksgiving eve.  #NoShameInMyChristmasGame Bring on holiday season!! I also have a gift for you … back by popular demand is my annual “favorite things” list where I share my Top…

  • Quote – University of Florida

    The entire room was on their feet cheering and applauding with an energy level so contagious, people couldn’t help but be excited and inspired by their fear

  • Mindfulness That Anyone Can Do!

      I recently listened to THIS podcast on mindfulness and meditation.   Actually … I almost didn’t listen because I get so frustrated with the whole darn mindfulness + meditation thang. I know deep down that I neeeeeed to meditate … But, ugh, how? And who has the time? And why can’t I stop my monkey…