Author: peter2

  • All I Want For Christmas … is to stop being such a jerk to myself!

      I mean seriously … the crap we say to ourselves! A little story for you … Last month I did a speaking event and before I took the stage I broke my “Cardinal Rule of Speaking #1”: NEVER read survey’s or “feedback” unless it’s honestly and truly constructive from someone who is also in…

  • Top 20 BEST Christmas Gift Ideas for 2017!

      Does anyone else have the Christmas musing playing on full blast yet? Bring on holiday season!!! I wonder … do any if these statements have you saying HELL YES?! Want a little holiday shopping inspiration? Would you like to “nudge” your sweetie with some gift ideas that YOU would love to unwrap Christmas morning?…

  • 5 Lies About The Word Hustle

      The word Hustle can be traced back to 1680 from the Dutch word ‘Husseln’, meaning ‘to shake, to toss’. The word can then be pursued backwards into German dialects; all of which translate to phrases signifying a shaking movement.* It makes sense.  You hustle to shake up your circumstances, toss your environment around in order…