Author: peter2

  • Captivate

    After reading this, you’ll never interact the same way again.  When you understand the laws of human behavior, your influence, impact and income will increase significantly.  What’s more, you will improve your interpersonal intelligence, make killer first impressions, and build rapport quickly (and authentically) in any situation – negotiations, interviews, parties, and pitches.  High five’s…

  • 5 Life Etiquette Lessons I Learned On A Bike

      I’m a huge fan of Soul Cycle.  And since I no longer live near a studio … the first thing I do when traveling is check to see if there is a studio in the hood where I’m staying. I’m obsessed. I love the vibe. The loud music. The dark room. The energy. The…

  • Exactly What To Say

    I literally keep this book ON MY DESK I use it that much!  Here’s the skinny:  Often the decision between a customer choosing you over someone like you is your ability to know exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to make it count. Phil M. Jones has trained more than two…