Author: peter2

  • 5 Ways To Feel Less Irritable

    Let’s face it … life is tough. We can feel pulled in a million directions and sometimes it feels like no matter how much you give, and sacrifice, and diet, and plan, and prepare … life throws you curve balls and you end up feeling stuck, back to square one, and depleted. In addition, it’s easy…

  • How To Get Rid of Clutter and Find More Joy



    Every year I clean out my closets.  There is stuff that no longer fits … but I can’t let it go because it’s got a memory attached to it. There is stuff with holes in it … but it was my favorite, so I can’t let it go. There are items that literally don’t make…

  • Tools of Titans

    This book is a game changer!!  It’s laid out in 3 themes: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.  Tim Ferriss has taken his thousands of hours of interviews and advice, compiling it down to the juicy nuggets.  So much wisdom and inspiration that you can start using right now!  Take what works.  Leave the rest.