Author: peter2

  • How To Live A Good Life

    This book is a practical modern-day manual to help you life the good life.  Everything in this book is immediately actionable and can be customized to fit your life!  Each day brings a new practical and powerful application that will leave you feeling lit up!

  • How To Maximize Your Hustle (and Get Super Happy)

    “Train yourself to focus on your strengths or fear will keep you focused on your weaknesses.” – No clue who said it but I love it! It’s easy to get fixated on wrong with you.  You can probably agree that you are your biggest critic. No one can be any harder on you than you…

  • 10% Happier

    This book is hit me like a ton of bricks. I wasn’t expecting it to be such a game changer.  Dan does a brilliant job of helping us understand mindfulness, meditation, and why it matters.  With stories, brilliant research, and his unique perspective … it’s full of incredible ah-ha moments!