Author: peter2

  • 4 Ways To Be More Confident Around C Suites!

      Have you ever had little pit of nerves bubble up in your tummy when know you have to deal with a “C-Suite”. Maybe it’s your company President, a “VP” of some sort, or the CEO. Maybe it’s someone you have to interview with or sit next to at a dinner. No matter what this…

  • 5 Ways To Stop Wasting Time

    “Every day you wait … is another day you won’t get back.” – Unknown Who doesn’t want a little more time in their life? And really, outside of your personal brand (i.e. that amazing reputation of yours!) the largest asset you own is time. Do you want a few productivity hacks to help you stop…

  • Two Ways To Amplify Your Personal Brand

    “In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” ~  Seth Godin Does the thought of promoting yourself make you want to run for the hills? Does the thought of fitting in make you feel panicked with a little dash of FOMO…