Author: peter2

  • The Secret to Having High Energy!

      “How can you hear your soul if everyone is talking?”   –  Mary Doria Russell I mean could we get any “busier” in this life?! I keep waiting for things to slow down and it just never seems to happen. There is always more to do, more phone calls to make, projects to finish,…

  • 7 Ways to Kick Your Fear of Public Speaking!

      “There are two kinds of speakers in the world … those who are nervous and those who are liars.’ – Mark Twain Really … do you know anyone who isn’t afraid in some way (even if it’s a little tiny baby fraction of a feeling) a little scared to speak in public.  It’s like…

  • 5 Truths about Laughter!

      “Going from crying to laughing that fast and hard happens maybe five times in your life and that extreme right turn is the reason why we are alive, and I believe it extends our life by many years.”  – Amy Poehler, Yes Please This quote is one of my favorites … ever.   If you…