Author: peter2

  • Have You Lost Focus? 3 Ways To Get It Back!

      “Where Focus Goes … Energy Flows!” – Tony Robbins Ok so if someone asked you to rattle off your goals … you’d probably start running through a list of things like: Do more yoga! Lose 5 lbs! Save more cash! What’s even harder to do is really sit down and identify WHY you set…

  • 8 Lifestyle Choices of the Happy & Healthy!

      One thing I know for sure … it’s all about CHOICES!!! What we say, what we eat, what we do … it all determines our destiny!! Since I’ve set out on this blogging journey I’ve been reading, studying, and researching some pretty incredible people.   In that process I’ve noticed some themes that my MOST inspiring…

  • Want To Be More Brave?

      Someone told me the other day … “I don’t know how you do Improv. You’re so brave! I could never do that!” My gut reaction to this person’s comment was … “First of all … yes you can!” Anyone can improvise, you actually improvise every day,  fear is the only thing in your way!…