becoming the chief soul officer of your life with Shelley Paxton episode 132

Becoming the Chief Soul Officer of Your Life with Shelley Paxton

Today we learn to become the Chief Soul Officer of our lives. As a society, we are overstimulated, overfed, and overwhelmed. So many of us have lost touch with who we are, deep within our core. We’re out of touch with our souls. In this episode, Judi chats with Shelley Paxton, The OG Chief Soul Officer, and the woman behind the “SoulBattical”. Shelley’s story of leaving her high-paying job as a Harley Davidson executive serves as a reminder that if you are crazy busy, you are probably more crazy than busy and that sometimes we need to take a minute to look inward in order to bring the best version of ourselves out into the world.

Today on Yes, And:

  • The shackles of “should”
  • The recurring nightmare that shifted the course of Shelley’s life
  • Why Shelley left her job at Harley Davidson
  • How does Shelley SoulBattical?
  • Representing your own brand and taking action
  • What does “Yes, And” mean to Shelley?


Connect with Shelley:

Connect with Judi:

This show is produced by Soulfire Productions


Top Quotes:

  1. “I am not somebody who is like ‘Meditation is a be all and a cure all’…However, the power of slowing down, and the power of listening deeply, changed my life.”
  2. “I knew I had to create a new set of circumstances, whether temporary or permanent, in order to cross that threshold.”
  3. “Living your own truth, and defining success on your own terms…has become my mission in this world.”
  4. “A lot of times we’ll hear ‘Oh just do I am power statements and just believe and manifest!…What people don’t realize is there has to be action. You have to take responsibility for the direction of your dreams.”