4 Easy Ways To Be In The Moment

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller

I don’t know about you but I’m constantly making comments about fast time is flying.

The minute I start something is the minute it’s over.

Yah, Yah … I know it’s the way of life.

I know that Father time waits for no one … and that you will never have this second you are having right now ever again.

Time will fly by. You will get old. You will die.

It’s 100% for certain.

So why not make sure that for the time you are here … that you are ALL IN!

One of my favorite things about the Improv theater is how it taught me to be in the moment.

In improv … if you are not in the moment you can crash and burn up there on stage. So learning how to do this is a really big deal.

And the golden nugget of it all … summed up in one word … is listening.   And I mean really listening.

So this week I’m sharing 4 easy things you can do to listen like a champ which will in turn … help you stay in the moment so you can enjoy life just a little bit more!


Now, I’d love to hear from you!

Do you have any tips to share on how you “stay in the moment”?

HOLLA back in the comments below so we can get the conversation started!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I work as an keynote speaker helping women, emerging leaders and hospitality professionals go from boring to brave using The Brandprov System … So check out my speaking page right HERE on my website to find out how to work with me.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.



PS – If you dig this video or know someone who would, pass it on!

Click HERE to contact me.
Follow the conversation on Instagram @judiholler or on my Facebook fan page


5 responses to “4 Easy Ways To Be In The Moment”

  1. Denice Davis Avatar
    Denice Davis

    You have such great ideas. Some I know but need to her your version of them and refresh them in my own world. Thanks Judi. I’m loving your fab 5 Fridays and all the info you share. I have read many of the books you recommend — including the Miracle Morning. Wooo… what a life changer that one is! Take care and keep going!

    1. Hi Denice and thank you for this awesome comment! I hear you … sometimes I hear something from someone I watch or someone I’m reading and they say something I know I need to do yet they’ve said it in a way that makes me go “omg … total Ah-ha moment!!” So glad you find value in the content and I’ll keep it coming!! (ps- congrats on Miracle Morning!!)

  2. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Great points JH…sometimes I feel like a squirrel and dart and dash in every direction, not being in the moment, totally off track with all the distractions. I am working constantly on being better at staying in the moment, staying focused and giving the moment all of my attention. I wear the “work in progress” sign above my head ALWAYS….glad to know others are in the same spot as me…I try to keep a list of “to-dos” front and center to help me stay focused on my day but really struggle with the pinpoint moments and focus. Meditation AM and PM help me stay centered and calm before my day starts and at the end of the day at wind down time. Thanks for all you add to my life….so thought provoking you are.

    1. Hi Doug E Fresh! Thank you! I can SO relate to the squirrel … dart … dash … analogy. My husband is always joking with me and saying “squirrel” b/c I can change trains of thought so quick … so focus and constantly working to stay in the moment are huge for myself and my biz. I am with you on meditation … start my day every day with it … even if it’s 5 mins.

      Also, a new thing I’m doing … the 90 day year. Working in 90 day windows. So far so good! Thanks for rocking oh and PS I’m loving your Podcast!

      1. Doug Sandler Avatar
        Doug Sandler

        Love it…today, JH and your emails get recognition on the Nice Guys podcast at about minute 25:00 into the episode. xoxo

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