Why excuses are just BS stories we tell ourselves!

“There are two types of people in the world … those who have RESULTS and those who have REASONS.” – Marie Forleo 
Let me just be clear … Success has NOTHING to do with your background or our circumstances.
You can do anything you put your freaking mind too.
Where people run into problems:  You don’t know where to start … so you get overwhelmed … therefore, you end up finding 1 million BS excuses for why it won’t work and ultimately you quit.
Guys …
Excuses are just BS stories we tell ourselves.
Do any of these sound familiar?
  • No time
  • No money
  • The Economy
  • Too old
  • Too young
  • Too busy
  • I don’t know how
  • It’s my parents fault
  • I went to a terrible college
  • I don’t have a degree
Bullshit. Bullshit.  Bullshit.  Bullshit.
Bottom line, and in the words of the super awesome Marie Forleo,  “EVERTHING is figure-out-able.”
I say it again … EVERYTHING is figure-out-able!!!!
And it is.
Trust me … if you can train yourself to think this way … it will change your life.  
If you really change your thought process to believe that anything and everything is figure-out-able … the sky is the limit!
For real.
  • I wanted to learn how to set up a website/blog.  I did the research and the work.  I now have a website.
  • I wanted to edit video on my Mac.  I went to a class.  I now edit video.
  • I wanted to learn how to do the “sock bun”.  I googled it.  I can now rock a sock bun.
You get my drift.
Small plans … big plans.   It’s all figure-out-able.
The question is … What BS excuse is holding you back?
Be well. Be Inspired!
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