Enough Already … No One Cares How Busy You Are!

“Ever notice that even the busiest people are never too busy to tell you how busy they are?” – Anonymous
So I was talking with a friend the other day about the concept of “being busy”.
And we had a good laugh over the fact that 99% of the time, when you ask someone how they are doing, they will tell you that they are “crazy busy” or “SO busy”.
Think about it … I’m totally guilty of this and I’m sure you do it too.
We all do.   
Frankly, we are all busy and slammed and need more hours in the day.  Being busy is a part of life.   So why do we feel the need to “brag” about how busy we are?  
The fact that your “busy” is not how you ARE.    
I wonder … are we hiding behind the “too busy” excuse?
A few reasons you may be: 
  1. Being “busy” keeps you from having to do the real work you were called to do
  2. You let your schedule control you rather then visa versa
  3. You can’t delegate
  4. You can’t say “NO”
  5. You just love to complain
Guys, I hate to break it to you …while it’s great to be busy and live a full live doing things you love, it’s not something to brag about.
So, the next time someone asks you how you are … think about it and don’t say “I’m SO busy”.   Try to break the “busy” cycle.   
I have been trying to ask different questions to try to engage a different conversation instead of using the standard “how are you”. 
One of my favorites … “So, what’s NEW with you?”
The idea here is that by engaging someone in a different discussion, new doors could open.
You may learn something new.  You’ll be remembered.  You’ll surprise them.  You’ll surprise yourself.  
So I challenge you to break the cycle … to ask better questions … to be more curious … to inspire a NEW conversation. 
Stay busy, but stop talking about it already.  We all know how busy you are and frankly we are slammed ourselves, so enough already with the busy talk. 
Make a connection.  Learn something new.
What are some questions you ask to help you stay out of the busy trap?
Be well. Be inspired!
Follow the conversation on Twitter @judiholler and on Facebook by clicking here.   



6 responses to “Enough Already … No One Cares How Busy You Are!”

  1. This reminded me of something Mindy Kaling said in an interview with NPR:

    “And one thing my mom and dad raised me believing is that everyone is busy, so it’s not really a good conversation topic to talk about how busy you are. And it’s a little narcissistic, in fact, to talk about that, because everyone is stressed out no matter what job you’re in. Nobody is like, ‘Yeah, I’m doing really well — work is just a total snooze and so easy.’

    So when I got this job, I thought, ‘I’m going to be that person who is the star of their own show and the show-runner and the head writer, et cetera, et cetera — but I’m going to always seem like it’s no big deal.”

    I love her…she is so clever and classy!

    1. Hey Laurie! This is so freaking awesome and I’m SO glad you posted this on here! Mindy Kaling is RIGHT ON THE MONEY!!! I’m taking that advice to heart and want to do the same thing. How cool is that?! I love her insight here and I’m totally going to make it a point to be all “no big deal” now. So refreshing! Thanks for sharing and for reading!

  2. I’m guilty of #4. I always over commit. Today I start anew!

    1. Me too! And funny as I type this there is an event tonight that I should NOT be going to and I need to cancel, but feel terrible doing so. It’s more social and that’s just not a priority right now, too many other big things going on! I totally hear you! Today I say NO too! We’ll march on together!

  3. Char Yaemniyom Shada Avatar
    Char Yaemniyom Shada

    Hey Judi – I was so busy I didn’t have time to read this. Just kidding! I LOVE LOVE this one! It is so true and I am so tired of hearing people say that they are “busy.” What – so THEIR “busy” is more important than MY “busy?” Please, we are all busy! We surround ourselves with people that are just as ambitious as we are so of course we are all going to be busy. Then there are the stay at home single parents that complain they are so busy. I get that too, being a stay at home parent is a full time job as well. But honestly, what about the working parents that are juggling work, family time and maybe personal time? Sometimes I feel like I just want to slap that person that says “I’m so busy” but I refrain. To answer your question – some questions I like to ask are: What are you working on these days? What is new in your NON-WORK life (this makes them stop for a minute to think of an answer)? What fun things do you have coming up (weekend or vacation plans)? How is the family? And if none of that works and they still say they are just busy – then I dive in with well, clearly you are not multi-tasking well, you are not delegating, you are taking on too much and you need to learn to say no. Thank you for this one! Now…I have to get back to work since I’m so busy. LOL! JUST KIDDING!

    1. Char you always write THE BEST comments!!! Thanks for that. The “busy” cycle is a hard cycle to break, but just being aware will change the game for you. We are all freaking busy!! Totally agree. And now that you watch for it, it makes people really look crazy when they say crazy. It’s sad. I think the most successful people never tell you how busy they are b/c they are too “busy” doing the work they were called to do. Love your suggestions too, totally using them!!!

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