Category: entrepreneurship
Episode 63: Speaking Advice, Imposter Syndrome, and My Fave Apps
It’s time for an Ask Me Anything episode with Judi! Today, Judi is unpacking listener questions related to speaking, imposter syndrome, and her favorite tools for daily business hacks and social media.
Episode 62: Why I Quit Drinking
Judi’s new monthly series on sobriety, addiction, going alcohol-free, and what it takes to heal yourself. Judi and her Gin and Juiced co-host Amanda are bringing you a high-vibe, judgment-free zone to smash shame around addiction and talk about what it looks like to live a sober life.
Episode 61: ADHD + Clubhouse with Brian Fanzo
Brian Fanzo talks about his journey with ADHD + Clubhouse and how being open about mental health benefits his work and relationships.